Johannes Lodewickus Lee (John, or Jan ) - Johannes Lodewickus Lee (John, or Jan - the Big game hunter.:

Started by Wilma Greyling (Basson) - unavailable for the next month on Thursday, June 30, 2022
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Who can help us to establish, if he really had all these 6 wives please. The search for all these wives is still open! Anyone with documents? Your valued opinions are much appreciated. Thanks Wilma

4 of the wives died 1870 ?

So either divorce or ??

Louisa van Wyk tha that died in 1870 was wife in 1866

Only 2 wives !
Van Wyk died in 1870
Van Rooyen died in 1918

Yes, from what my grandmother told me, and from what I read in the Bulawayo Library in 1998, he had two wives. The first was Van Wyk (cousin of Paul Kruger) and the second Van Rooyen.
His other names were Johhny Lee, Jan Lee or Johnny Xhosa (because he spoke 7 languages).

Think a third wife Jacoba van Roiyen or Smit ?
He married her 1870 or soon after first wife died.
She the one who ran away with a transport rider.
Hester van Rooyen born 1858 so probably married age 14 or 16? 1872 or 1876 or 1878.
I only knew of him as Jan Lee.
My Joubert relatives in Serowe ,Botswana knew him.
Also a friend of mine Robbie Lee a descendant

Found a Lee family tree .will ad it here..
Jacoba van Rooyen his 2nd wufe who ran away.

She had one child he he then adopted

But errors on that .

Son Hans born 1860 has mother Katherine van Wyk on his DN

Thank you all very much, for cleaning this mess up. Specially you Phillipp. You again, raised the bar quite high on Geni! Appreciating all you do! Thanks!

Hi Wilma.

Will share the tree - a Louisa du Preez as wife there but baptism records prove not likely .
Need to investigate.


I also picked up the nickname Johnny Xhosa

Infant son Hans 1866 ?
Unlikely in 1866 Hans ( 2 sons called Johannes ! ) either 7 or 6 years old.
Abraham Frederik was the youngest in 1866 born 1864 to CMA van Wyk.

Great news: It looks as if that weird link that caused me so much anguish - has now been deleted. I am so happy! Thanks to whoever managed to delete it. Appreciate!

Thanks to Mike Stangel from Geni - who helped me to understand what happened here and to get this all deleted!

Thx Mike Stangel.
Must be careful what one copy and paste.

Wilma -- have tried to clarify things on his profile.
Searched for and added sources for his children.
No trace of a Louisa van Wyk / du Preez wife so far.
The reference to in Rhodesia documents is a MRS Lee ; not a Louisa.
In the compiled family tree I wanted to add here , they claim he divorced CMA van Wyk 1853 but not true as all children born between 1846 and 1865 belong to her.

There they claim a Louisa du Preez as mother of 6 children same as on your own MyHeritage site.

CMA van Wyk his first wife married 1846.

Thanks Phillipp - the search goes on! I am beginning to wonder- could Louisa just maybe - be the same lady as Catherine? Nicknamed Louisa??? My own myhertage site has too many duplicates, other jsites' managers compromised it a long time ago. I do actually do not really use that a lot these days. I do matches there, but it is not to be trusted. Let's do this!

Louisa a nickname ?

Have to try send you link to Family Tree the family had done and researched but too many errors there.

Might also need help with van Rheede van Oudtshoorn family.
Ancestors only Oudshoorn for some not the Baron van Rheede van Oudtshoorn family. Think they just suddenly assumed that surname about 1840.
Looking at sources.

Then also busy wih Horn family

Pure speculation on my part re Louisa as a nickname - busy researching this!

Just also picked this article up: Need to study this - for what it is worth. Some type of tree gram on him and his family etc.

Louis and her children are mentioned, a well as the other wives.

Let's see ....

Yeah !!
That the one I was trying to forward here.
But children in this fo not belong to Louisa du Preez.
Wonder why ?

What if mother CMA van Wyk died 1870 and Louisa du Preez / can Wyk raised the children ?

Similar with my grt grandmother she raised her own plus husband's children from 2 previous wives.
Ludwig Döhne 3rd wife did the same

I was also going in that direction! Let's work this!

Sorry: Louisa* not Louis*!

No Louisa van Wyk on this just Mrs. John Lee.
the Louisa van Wyk added from where not on the grave at all

It seems that according to that tree family graph - there were 4 wives:
1 st = Catharina van Wyk - they had a divorce / maybe called Katherine as well?
2 nd= Louisa du Preez - died in childbirth
3 rd = Jacoba van Rooyen - ran away with the transport driver but apparenty ''came back'' later
4 th = Hester van Rooyen - much younger than him + married for approx 40 years.

What do you think?

His parents ?
what sources prove them ?

Baptism 1848 of his brother ?? Christiaan Johannes Lee
he and his wife signed as witnesses -- but what if carel Lee was his brother not his father ??

* Very difficult to read this family graph thing - getting crossed eyed!!! ??? Can you work out the children here?

* I actually do think it is Louisa that is burried on the farm :Louisa Van Wyk - wife of John Lee, an early European pioneer in Matabeleland (later Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe). Louisa died in childbirth at Fort Mangwe, Rhodesia. Apparently the little boy was named Abraham. She is definitely buried there on the farm! See the tapestry article - mentions her grave.

But this is proved not right by baptisms of 11 children from 1847 to 1864 --

Possible as his wife from 1864 to 1878 ?? Luois van Wyk or Louis du Preez .

Look in 1848 witnesses at baptism

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