Capture a Webpage - Broken?

Started by Private User on Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Problem with this page?


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Seems to just spin forever today.
Worked fine yesterday. Uploading a Document worked fine today, in between tryin to use Capture a Webpage.

Are others also experiencing this?

Still not working!

Still not working. Finally submitted a Ticket.

Still not working. Broken on Desktop as well as Tablet.

I'll contacted Mike about it, it has to do with some patching they have to do.
It was supposed to start working again before the weekend, so I'll contact him again.

Just received this update on my Ticket:
"There was an issue with the capture a webpage option, we're sorry for any inconvenience. A fix has been found and we're hoping it will be ready and working again in a few days. "

Banner says "Geni will be unavailable at midnight US Eastern time (4am UTC) for about 10 minutes while we perform database maintenance."

Crossing fingers they will also fix "Capture a Webpage"

Still broken.

Have not got a new reaction yet

Still broken.

Still broken. Anyone else miss it?
The is a feature I was using a lot.


sorry no further info yet

Got this update: we're still waiting for the network operations team to unblock the feature. (got the first message they they where waiting for that on 16 Aug)

It is working again


Job Waterreus - Do you know - is it purposely programmed not to create Web Pages from clippings from or is that a bug or is it just broken again?

Will probably delete this after a while, but for now see
Do you know what the error message means?

I tried a different article earlier today and got the same error message displayed. Repeated it then. This afternoon tried this one. Have lots of Newspaper articles I clipped or found clipped since it went down. Would like to be able to Create Documents from them.
It worked fine on a FindAGrave Photo, gave me the same error message for a FindAGrave Memorial.

Have you used it since they said it was fixed?

A 403 error means that the requested information is there but you are not authorized to request it.
This could mean Geni is hitting a pay wall. If that is the problem it should work for other sites where you do not need to login.

I tried it after I heard it was fixed, but not very recently.

Neither nor findagrave require login
Accidentally deleted above example, so tried again - same error -

Also same error from

Neither nor findagrave require login
Accidentally deleted above example, so tried again - same error -

Also same error from

Have added to my ticket about Capture a Screen.

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