I started to try and sort out this family when I noticed duplicate profiles in the Digby family. On geni we now have Elizabeth Taylor, of Ballymacragh of Ballymacragh (1653-?) marrying Robert French, of Monivea of Monivea (c. 1620-?) and Robert Begg Ffrench (1653-?). These are clearly the same man. But who were his parents? John Peter Cowley and [[6000000183308764836?through=60000000158556226] think they were Patrick Ffrench (1630-1701) - I have chosen the more likely death date - and Christlicke French - I have chosen the more likely spelling. Juan Carlos Griffin Albarracin thinks they were Patrick Begg French, of Monivea (c. 1572-1630), and Mary Kirwan.
Burke's Landed Gentry of Ireland, 1912 ed., https://archive.org/details/genealogicalhera00burkuoft/page/222/mod... , has them as Patrick begg ffrench (d. 1630) and Mary Kirwan; and this is the same in the most recent edition, Irish Family Records, information at http://thepeerage.com/p38621.htm#i386204 . And the information in the Landed Gentry has Robert in possession of the lands in 1655, which he could not have been if his father Patrick was still alive.
A website of the French Family Association, http://www.frenchfamilyassoc.com/FFA/CHARTSWEB/IREH1-5.htm , also has the parents as Patrick Begg Ffrench Fitz-Robert of Monivea (d. 1630) and Mary Kirwan.
I suspect the solution may be a missing generation, but there are so many duplicated names it is difficult to judge, and raise this in the hope that someone can throw more light on it.
There are problems about wives also, but I think the priority should be to sort out the male line of descent.
John Goodwillie