Wednesday 6 April 1836
For sale by the Undersigned, very fresh kitchen garden, indigenous and exotic flower seeds; also flower bulbs, well selected, chiefly from his own garden; they are in a good state to export to any part of the world, curiosities &c.
No.100 Long-street
NB Also For Sale, one lion, very tame, and four ostriches.
Just received per late arrivals from England, and for sale at the Undersigned’s, the following fresh English seeds, warranted to be good, viz: fine early Cauliflower, Sugar-loaf Cabbage, Wellington ditto, early York ditto, Eastham ditto, Red ditto, early Dwarf ditto, fine Drum-head ditto, Brussel’s Sprouts, fine Spanish Onion, Deptford ditto, Dutch Turnip, fine Stone ditto, Swedish ditto, Orange Carrot, Altringham ditto, early Horn ditto, White Brocoli, Red ditto, Brimstone ditto, Hardy ditto, Scarlet short-top Radish, White Turnip ditto, Scarlet Turnip ditto, Rye Grass seed, Trefoil ditto.
100 Long-street