I have tried to explain that John Harmon and his wife Anne are not the parents of my Jacob Harmon. who married Catherine Messimer This is an entirely different set of Harmon's. This Jacob Harmon came from PA in 1790's along with the Messimer family. John Harmon that you have as his father was already in what was NC before it became TN long before my family came into the area. You are mixing the families together to form one big family. John Harmon's Jacob born 1772 died after 1850, married Aug 31, 1811 to Polly Pratt. Read his Revolutionary Pension and will that I have attached to John Harmon for clarification. I have no idea who My Jacob Harmon's father and mother is but I do know who its not.please separate him out from this family of which he is not a member.He was born in PA, and traveled with the Messimers to NC what is now TN he married Catherine shortly after her father died. Joy