The book can be found here:
The text, which is garbled, is:
'Joseph Moxtgomery, who, it is stated, was born in Ayrshire, about
the year 1680. He is claimed to have been a near relative of Sir
James Montgomcric, of the Skelmorlie line, by his descendants, among
whom there is a tradition that their ancestor in some degree shared in
his misfortunes. Prompted by the inducements held out to Protestants
to settle in Ireland at that time, Joseph crossed the Channel, and pur-
chased a handsome estate near Armagh. This was about 1700, and
the farm is known to this day as the " town land of Killecapple." Here
he resided until his death, which occurred in 1750. He left three sons,
I. Joseph.
II. IlroH; and
III. Samuel. It is not known whcthc-r those last two left any descendants.
Joseph Montgomery ■was born in Ireland about the year 1703, and
on his father's death inherited his estate. He died in 1774, or 1775,
leaving two sons,
I. JdSEi'U ; and
II. Wii.LiAji, (if vhom afterwards.
Joseph Montgomery was born in 1738, and with his brother William
emigrated to America immediately before the Revolutionary war.
Tidings of their father's death reached the brothers shortly after their
arrival in New York, which compelled the return of one of them ;
Joseph, desirous of remaining, sold his interest in his father's estate to
William, who returned, while he entered the army, and after some
military service, became engaged in furnishing army supplies to the
Government. After the Revolution had ended, he returned to Ireland,
and purchased an estate near Newry, and built a house on it, wliich
bears the name of "Ivy Lodge." He resided here until his death in
1805, leaving two children.
I. Joseph, lately a banker in Urughcdn; and
II. Marrjarct, who mai-ricd .John Ilollidny, and removing to the United States,
settled in Albany, Now York.
William Montgomery was born in 174.'j.' He came to America
about 1774, but immediately returned, as before stated. He married
and had a large family. After his brother's death, in 1805, he sold his
property and returned to the United States, and purchased a tract of
land in Ohio county, Virginia, on which he resided until his death in
1812. Three sons and throe daughters survived him, namely,
I. Joseph.
II. William, born in Ireland, in 1792, who removed from A'irginia to Washing-
ton county, Pennsylvania, in 1817, and the same year married Elizabeth
Kelly. He died in 1858, leaving,
1. Hon. William, who was born in 1818, admitted to the bar in 1842,
and was .elected to Congress from the Twentieth District of Penn-
sylvania, which he represented for two terms, from 1857 to 1861, and
is known as the author of the " Crittenden-Montgomery Resolutions"
on the admission of Kansas to the Union. In 1845 he married Ma-
tilda Duval, and has,
a. Andrew.
6. James; and
c. William.
2. Martha, married -J. Linvillc, and resides near Claysville, Washing-
ton county.
III. Jonx, married Eva Coke, and is now residing in Noddaway county, Mis-
souri, and has,
1. George,
2. Joseph,
o. John T., all residing in Andrews county, Missouri.
4. Mar;/, married, April 5, 1834, -Jeremiah Hall.
5. Elizabeth, married, October 18, 1833, John Headly.
0. Anna, married, April 13, 1843, William Porter.
7. Rose, married, December 27, 1843, G. Nevvinger.
S. Harriet, married, September 27, 1850, William Smith,
9. Lncinda, married, April 8, 1858, .John Phipps.
10. Maggie, married, March 12, 1859, .Joseph Atkinson.
IV. Mary, married McBride.
\. Jane, married Robert Luke.
VI. Eliza, married, in 1817, .Joseph Jlounts, and died in 1824.
Joseph Montgomery was born in Ireland, in 1777, and inherited
his father's estate in Ohio county, where he resided until his death, in
1857. He left
I. Joseph, who resides in Macoupin county, Illinois.
II. James, now, resided in Washington county, Pennsylvania,
ill. John T.-, residing in the same county.
IV. Jane, married Horsh, of Marshall county, Virginia.
V. Mary, married Wesley Robinson, of Ohio county, Virginia.
VI. Eliza, married Andrew Thompson, of iMarshall county. Virginia. '