Most of the sources mention that Rabbi Naftali Herz Katz comes from a “קאני” family of Kohanim from Frankfurt, but I haven’t been able to find anything about this family. Any info?

Most of the sources mention that Rabbi Naftali Herz Katz comes from a “קאני” family of Kohanim from Frankfurt, but I haven’t been able to find anything about this family. Any info?
I believe I've figured it out; he's related by marriage to the Bingen family who lived in the Kann House (Pitcher house) in frankfurt. It therefore appears (in a number of places) that information about him is confused with information referring Moshe Bingen, who lived in Leider (ladder) and ?Reuse? (Fish trap). They were not Kohanim. In terms an info on Naftali Herz's ancestry, there appears to be a dead end.