Vincent (Vincentius) Knutsson (Canuti) Knutsson Lang - parents should be unknown

Started by Private User on Tuesday, September 27, 2022
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His parentage seems so speculative and without sources that it would be better to disconnect him from the father he's currently connected to.

Why, read instead the about me, there is a strong indication that he infact was his illegitimate son, they shared very unusual name, he also inherited the former supposed fathers house. It's enough with a footnote that states this.

Dear Steve
Vincent Knutssons father can be confirmed in the courtbook Inlands Nordre Häradsrätt AIa:1. Here is the scources in swedish:
Inlands Nordre HR 1683-03-22 no:2 Sven i Rössebyn fullmäktigat skriftel. av Handelsman Hr.Jacob Hardevig i Göteborg, att betala "Sahl.Knudtz arfwingar i Åå om 17 Cr 22 öres rest. Vid tinget infann sig endast Cecilia Knutsdotter och Lars Andersson i Åå på dess hustru Ingeborg Knutsdotters vägnar, vilka intygar skuldens riktighet. De kan inte betala den utan dess syskon Karin Knutsdotter och Rassmus Knutsson, vars lösa fäderne arv innehades av Hr Vincentz i Möckleby, som var 48 Cr. Resol: "Såsom eij ähr att infordra skall Richtig wara, för den sküll skola hwar siüdehl dheraff betala och belöper på hwar Sÿster 3 Cr 37 1/3 öre och på brodheren 6 Cr hwilka Hr.Vincentz aff dess Lösa ägendombh skall förnöija"

But the father of Knut Vincentsson is a speculation to be a illegetim son of Vincent Bildt of Morlanda.

with best regards Bengt-Ola Morgny

Tack så mycket. I appreciate that extra information. I may have put my comment on the wrong individual. Between Johan Vincentsson Lang, 40G and Blanceflor Vincentsdatter Lunge it seemed there was a weak or very speculative link at one point in that line. I noticed it because whenever I look at relationship lines between my grandmother and some royal figure, the line almost always goes through Blanceflor. But when I followed along that line from the Lang folk to Blanceflor it seemed like a flimsy connection.

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