My 56 yr old daughter had a ruptured vein in her brain. The reason I a posting this is that the are rare autosomal dominant inherited genes, these genes cause a tangle of veins you are born with. These veins grow where they can cause serious issues. Both my parents carried some of these mutated chromosomes. HHT and AVMs are not well studied due to
their difficulty to diagnose. Please read about this decease, as with many of us we share blood connections with many, many families. My mother and father were
related many times over. Nose bleeds and headaches are a red flag. My daughter had no symptoms before her BAVM rupture, Fortunately one doctor in this large city knew about ruptured brain AVMs and saved her life. MRI or Scans with dye can find these tangled mass of veins and treat them before rupture. 🙏🏼 Shirley.