Listing mangers by name

Started by Jeff Keith Prevéy on Sunday, October 16, 2022
Showing all 21 posts

How can I list managers by name? Last name/first name or first name/last name.

All managers of all profiles on Geni?

No, just the ones of the profiles I have updated. I am looking for some way to track msgs I have send requesting a merge. So, I don't re-send them.

You can download your activity (see
You could maybe filter that.
You could also look at

Many thanks, I will look into this.

What I am looking for is a quick/easy way to track 'stuff'.

Thanks again for the info. On the managers tab, there is an up/down arrow that I would assume would list the manager by name. But, it doesn't seem to do the. Just re-arranges the names in a random order. The same arrow on the profile name tab is the same. The arrow on the 'updated' tab does arrange the profiles by the dats updated. Latest vs newest.

At which screen are you looking?

It may help to give an example link

Sorry about the delay - having 'net and IMAC issues at home.

The profile names are listed by last name and can be changed to being listed by first name. Would like to do same with the managers name. It would help be track when requests were send to the manages for approval.

As far as I can see it does sort the manager names on last name if you sort in one direction but sorting in the other direction does not seem to work.

There might be some issues with which profile name fields are used within the profile, maybe even with the language tabs used.

Don't forget that you can see your pending requests via

Yes, I use that also. Currently have 780+ requests sent out.

What are my options for 'fixing' the issue? If any.

Why can't you use the sorting on manager name?
Isn't there anything in your activity download that you could use?

You could try posting in

I have tried the sorting(up/down arrows) on manager's name and all it does is rearrangement the names is a different order the makes no sense.

Did you try it multiple times? (the second time seems to work when I try it)

Yes, have tried that several times over the past several months.

Side note -
Tamika L

Tamika Hill is an inactive mgr, I went thru the options and GENI reassigned all profiles back to Tamika?

There are multiple user profiles with that name, so the transfer probably was to Tamika L

You are a Pro user so you can submit a ticket and/or you could add a user request (use the Help link at the bottom of the screen)

That is interesting about Tamika having several user profiles. Why would that be - just curious. Plus, how did you find this out?

Have done the ticket thing and didn't get any or much help. I might try again and word the issue a bit different. FYI - if I haven't said so before - the sorting/filtering by name works for the profile name. Sorting/filtering by date of the updates also works.

I just searched for the name and looked at the history.

Users with multiple profiles is mostly because of a change in email and not being able to logon with the old email.

Many thanks. Learn something new with GENI everyday.

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