Try goggling …
The early generations of the Chiny family given in ES are fictitious -
Schwennicke followed Hippolyte Goffinet, who was taken in by one of the
countless invented genealogies from the 14th & 15th centuries. This one
came from Jean Zittart, prior of Suxy writing from 1398 as redacted by
Henri Russel, a successor in the early 17th century.
As a general rule, whenever you come across a genealogy in which a
number of siblings are listed with no information beyond given names (in
this case three younger children in the second, then two, two and five
in the subsequent generations) you are very probably looking at an
Annals of the Archaeological Institute of Luxembourg, Volume 23, Part 2
By Archaeological Institute of Luxembourg, Arlon, Belgium Page 1004
Google translate from French
The current owners of this building inherited it from Madame Marchal, who died childless around 1867, at a very advanced age. His father, Henri Goffinet, son of Nicolas, was a feudal officer in the provostship of Chiny, and his brother, AdrienFélix, had married Marie-Louise-Joséphine Olin, of Sedan, daughter of Jacques Sébastien Olin and Marie - Louise Goffinet. The latter was the daughter of Pierre- Henri Goffinet and Marie - Claire-Louise de Soy, whose father Nicolas de Soy, squire, was feudal in the courts ofChiny and Neufchâteau .
The remains of archives which are in the cure of Izel still mention other alliances of this kind, for example: those of Nicolas, Jean and Jacques Goffinet, with Elisabeth de Laval, N. de Reumont du Puil and Jeanne du Chesne de Marteau (1743). The same year Werner Goffinet, forester, remarried, in second marriage, with Marie-Anne de Nonancourt. Jamoigne Register . _
Of these and other families, such as those of the Maljeans, the Richards of Rouvres, etc., none appears to have possessed Nanireux so completely as the Reumonts.
The origin of this family is unknown. A locality named Reumont formed a sub-fief of the peerage of Valenciennes. Some feudatories of this locality bore the name from the 12th century and, later, in the 15th century; but they have not been proven to be related to their Chiny County namesakes .
Ferry de Reumont lived in Nanireux at the beginning of the 17th century, probably following several of his ancestors . It is from him that descends the noble family of Reumont , established for a long time already in the surroundings of Montmédy. He had eight children by his wife Barbe de Francq.
Ferry 's father was called Alexandre; his mother, Catherine du Faing. She was the daughter of Henri du Faing, who died in 1544, and Agnès de Tassigny. Three others of the nine children of Henri du Faing and Agnès de Tassigny contracted alliances in the Reumont family , namely: Jean, Hippolyte (1) and Poncette , who married Catherine, Jeanne and Jean de Reumont, from Termes. Henri, son of the latter and of Poncelle du Faing, married Marguerite d'Izel , one of whose sons, Gilles de Reumont, who had six children byhis wife N. Gotlinet of Vance.
A Jean Reumont de Vance, lieutenant, married Anne-Claire de Nothomb, who died in 1725. It was to them that were born Jean Reumont, attorney at Vance, and Jean-Baptiste Reumont , surveyor at Virton, who married N. Tinant d 'Izel.
H. GUFFINET. Luxembourg Historical Publications , t. X, p. 86; mss. of Father Welter and
archives of the cure of Izel ( 2) .
(1) This name cited by Neyen is not cited by Welter. He looked suspicious.
(2) There is no trace of this seigniory in the State archives in Arlon. It was probably a simple house with a few properties forming a fief as there were many.
genealogical fragments.
Thanks Erica
As a general rule, whenever you come across a genealogy in which a
number of siblings are listed with no information beyond given names (in
this case three younger children in the second, then two, two and five
in the subsequent generations) you are very probably looking at an
I havent come across the concept of a fictitious family tree before! I'm sure there must have been some good reason other than malevolence.
In spite of all you have posted, it isnt clear to me though what is to be done to fix this lineage.
Are you suggesting that Johann Malberg (1450) Johann von Malberg, Herr von Ouren & Sainte Marie
is "real", and 8 generations below Henry Goffinet (1500) is "real" and the 7 generations in between are not?
Or perhaps Ermengarde von Malberg Ermengarde von Malberg
is also "real" - https://www.genealogieonline.nl/west-europese-adel/I344731.php ?
But then where should Henry Goffinet Henry Goffinet be attached? Or is he also as H. GUFFINET, suspicious?
In which case we have the same dilemma of Jehan Goffinet Jehan-Henry "le Vieux" Goffinet ?
Anne Goffinet is your 13th cousin 7 times removed.
Johann von Malberg, Herr von Ouren & Sainte Marie is your 6th cousin 14 times removed.
Henry Goffinet is your 14th cousin 6 times removed.
Jehan-Henry "le Vieux" Goffinet is your 15th cousin five times removed.
Ermengarde von Malberg is your 7th cousin 13 times removed
Johann von Malberg, Herr von Ouren & Sainte Marie Is sourced from
Following Europäische Stammtafeln.
Family Trees - is a series of twenty-nine books which contain sets of genealogical tables of the most influential families of Medieval European history. It is a standard reference work for those researching medieval, imperial, royal and noble families of Europe.
You can search Leo van der Pas’ site https://genealogics.org/index.php and fill in from it as much as you can. That may help.
OK. I really dont know what to do here.
6 generations back from Anne, Ermengarde von Malberg appears to be a real person but I cant find any evidence of the people in between who may or may not exust.
It is clear that as currently constructed this cant be Anne's ancestral line though as she would have had to have been born in at least 1590 but has a son Henry Goffinet born in 1500 supposedly.
I am therefore disconnecting Anne from her "parents" Henrion (Henri III) De Reumont and Poncette de REUMONT and assume that the tree is correct from here down.