John Henry "Heinrich" Zeller (de Sellaire) - Parentage in question?

Started by Private User on Wednesday, November 16, 2022
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Where is the proof that Lady Clothilde Zeller (deValois) and Jacques James Zeller were the parents of Heinrich and his siblings? It has been discussed and researched by the following researcher that these were just stories and there is more proof to suggest Henrichs parents were some one else;

Instead it is suggested that Heinrich's parents are
Heinrich Zöller
Maria Weller

I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this

My ancestry tree does not currently show parents.

From wikitree research notes:
There is a confusing mixture of history, family tradition and fiction concerning the early Zellers. The assignment of French Hugenots Jaques Zeller and his wife Chlotilde DeValois as the parents of Johann Henry and Johannes Zeller--Palatine brothers who went to New York, then later Pennsylvania--has been repeatedly and thoroughly debunked. Jacques Zeller and his wife Clothilde de Valois were said to be French Huguenots who moved to the Palatinate region in Germany late in the 17th century, but there is no documentation of this and it is possible that Clothilde did not even exist.[21]

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