Giedel Daniel Mosbach - Giedel Daniel Mosbach

Started by Saskia Pollatschek on Tuesday, November 29, 2022
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Giedel was born Giedel Daniel, consistent with the original Jewish naming (Giedel, daughter of Daniel); she was born in Limburg, which has only been called Hohenlimburg since 1879 and today belongs to Hagen. Not to be confused with today's Limburg.
Only one Mosbach family lived there, that is, a huge number of relatives.
Her father Daniel Moses (since 1846 Mosbach) was born there and came from a family of glaziers and painters, all descendants of Moses Herz and Bette Hirsch; Moses Herz and Bette Hirsch had 4 children: Herz, Daniel, Bertha and Isaak. Only Bertha married David Rose and moved from Hohenlimburg to Soest. All three sons and their descendants remained in Hohenlimburg and some are buried in the local cemetery ( J %C3 %BCdischer_Friedhof_Elsey_-_31.jpg).
According to his death certificate dated June 6, 1885, Daniel Moses was born around 1806. He was married to Hannchen Grüneberg from the small town of Hachen (today Sundern), they had 9 children: Moses, Bertha, Levi, Herz, Giedel, Herz, Isaak ( my great-great-grandfather), Jacob and Abraham. They were all born as Daniel and only a few birth certificates mention the later name Mosbach. Some of them therefore used Daniel as their middle name, but not all, and not on all certificates.
Part of the problem is the different names of the cities then and now, as well as the mixed marriages and the sometimes inaccurate spelling of the names. and many duplicate entries, each containing different information. In addition, the given names were assigned more than once in the different parts of the family. So it's quite a puzzle to connect everything correctly.
Greetings Saskia

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