Those awful numers in our mutual tree... Necessary with new ways of input?

Started by Private User on Tuesday, December 20, 2022
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It's already some time that the Geni-ICT-programmers gave us the opportunity to use an EXTRA LABEL while making every PROFILE-PAGE much nicer to look at. But to my regret I still see Geni-users putting those awful ranges of nummers+letters in the field that is NOT MADE for that purpose! Is it PLEASE POSSIBLE for them to change their old habits?

There has been a lot of discussion around this. No decision has been made as consensus has not been reached.

Why is it necessary to have consensus on world-wide scale? Does anyone think that becomes ever possible? Does the central management-circle not have the guts to make decisions about something that is damaging the outlook of some-ones personal tree-view? In Geni you have the possibility to make a ancestors-overwiew a/o a descendants-one, but at the moment you have South-African pioneers in your tree is awful to undo that list of those numbers, that get even longer is you are younger...

To be short: these numbers are a reason NOT to use Geni if you want to make a Kalender of Kaart for your family-members.

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