Teia Tephi, {Legendary, Annals of the Four Masters} - Documentation

Started by Linda (Carr) Buchholz on Wednesday, December 21, 2022
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https://youtu.be/goitNYnhcDo (cold case detective, genealogist specializing in Bronze Area to Christian area)


Summation of the history of the legendary connection of Teia Tephi to Ireland is here —


An excerpt:

The Tea Tephi-British monarchy link is also found in J. H. Allen's Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright (1902, p. 251). A central tenet of British Israelism is that the British monarchy is from the Davidic line and the legend of Tea Tephi from the 19th century attempted to legitimise this claim. Tea Tephi, however, has never been traced to an extant Irish source before the 19th century and critics assert she was purely a British Israelite invention.[25] A collection of alleged bardic traditions and Irish manuscripts which detail Tea Tephi were published by J. A. Goodchild in 1897 as The Book of Tephi, the work is, however, considered pseudo-historical or a forgery.

Legendary doesn't always mean fictional.

From Mearrim Webster's Dictionary

leg·​end·​ary ˈle-jən-ˌder-ē -ˌde-rē
: of, relating to, or characteristic of legend or a legend
legendary creatures of the sea


Legendary does not always mean fictional, but in this case it does.

It looks like there are no citations on those pages, so I poked around to see if I could figure out where the writers are coming from. Other pages on the "Straight Talk about God" website contain some disturbing antisemitic content, while the "Hebrew Nations" website has a page promoting the Khazar myth. I don't think those are writers we should ve trusting, especially when they provide no proof for their claims.

It looks like any sources for Teia Tephi are going to be modern ones and therefore not acceptable as proof. I therefore agree with Anne's decision to keep this profile isolated as fictional.

That's interesting how anything from 2000+ years ago can be debated as real or otherwise. Great links, thank you for the research guys!

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