Tiki Taane - @Tiki Taane

Started by Vanessa Brooks DP713053C1 on Friday, December 23, 2022
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Hello from USA. Meet another distant cousin. That be me Tiki. We share much in common with love for music. I am an Ole Gal now but back in the late 70s I was a background singer for Rick James. Actually I started in high school and loved the stage. I admire your hit trail. I did not tour with Rick as I chose the motherhood route and still to this day I have no regrets. I performed locally where I grew up, Buffalo NY. Bee-Low as we called it. Nuff said about me, I have been researching my family for 12 years now and you are not the first New Zealander I have encountered with DNA matching. My paternal great grandmother is a "Jarman". I attach my Gedmatch and DNA data to my profile in case other researchers are looking for more than the paper/historical trails which oftentimes leave out important details and people. Jarman is Native American connected and My mother surname Williams is also NA connected but to what degree I can only guess as I never met or knew any of my grandparents but I have found the paper trails of them on U.S. Census records and other source documents. I am African American.

I am DNA tested on all the major platforms so I'm easy to find there. I hope to hear from you as music is our passion.

I have my results of an African matriclan test and I share maternal genetic ancestry with Tikar People living in Cameroon today. (with Sequence Similarity Score 99.4%). Haplogroup L12c. Never been to Africa or NZ but apparently my ancestors were there. I don't want to get too deep into the Science unless you are. My Gedmatch Kit is YQ6082323. Here is my relationship to you on Geni. Bless you and Happy Holidays!

*Tiki Taane is your first cousin thrice removed's husband's third cousin's husband's second cousin thrice removed.

Pull up my profile and click "follow" so we can stay in touch with each other. You are my Rock Star!

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