Disputed Origins
Philip Briscoe was born in either Virginia or Maryland. From records found by the Ark and Dove Society, Dr. Briscoe was in Virginia during the early years of the Maryland colony. That was because his wife was Huguenot. He returned to Maryland by 1648. A record from that year shows that he was subpoenaed to testify at court (National Genealogical Society Quarterly 1958). [2]
Research Notes
Was Philip Briscoe the son of John Briscoe?
The first John Briscoe above came from England in 1634 on the Ark and the Dove with the first group of settlers to Maryland. From the Compendium of America Genealogy.(D.O.). [2]
CONFLICT: Carol Mitchell wrote: "There is no proof that Philip is the son of John Briscoe & Elizabeth Dubois or that there was ever a Dr. John Briscoe & Elizabeth DuBois in existance.
"[p.84] DR. JOHN BRISCOE, of St. Mary's Co., Md., b. circa 1590, is said to have accepted the invitation of Cecilius CALVERT, second Lord Baltimore and to have become one of the Gentlemen Adventurers who came to Maryland in 1634 in "The Ark and The Dove" expedition. m. in England, Elizabeth DU BOIS, of the Huguenot family of Count DE ROUSSEY, Marquise DU BOIS, whose descendants fied to England to escape religious persecution." [2]
Phillip Briscoe’s parents are unknown. Some people attach him to John Briscoe & Elizabeth DuBois as parents but no documentation to support. It's believed that Philip was incorrectly attached to them as parents so he could be tied to the Arc & Dove Society. But the connection of John Briscoe to the Arc & Dove was proven to be fake (see note below). Most people doubt there was even a woman named Elizabeth DuBois that married a John Briscoe (no documentation to support).[3] Note: The Arc and Dove Adventers Arc & Dove Society [4]
mm: a rebuttal to the above theory is presented at https://sites.rootsweb.com/~mysouthernfamily/myff/d0085/g0000038.html
What are the thoughts about Dr. John Briscoe & Elizabeth Briscoe