Do profiles exist on Geni for Susan or William H?
Certainly William Hill married Elizabeth Hill aka Autry aka Autrey.
Whether they are parents of Susan Ann is TBA.
Where was Susan Ann born? Raised? When?
According to the unsourced document posted at FindAGrave this is the same family:
Sarah Ann Hill married Samuel McClelland 07 Feb 1839 Benton, Alabama but there's no indication of her parents, or even where she is born or her age.
Her sister(?) Mahala Haygood was in AL from about 1840 onwards so may be evidence of a link.
Also without sources it seems William Hill died in Benton, Alabama so another link suggesting a connection.
If Susan Ann was in fact daughter of parents named William Hill and Elizabeth Autrey it seems improbable that it is not this couple. But what evidence is there for her parent's names other than internet trees?
Seems my Susan was the daughter of John Hill and Annie Naomi Camp. According to Find a Grave. Ill see what i can find.
Hill is a very common name.
FindAGrave is not a source per se, it's great when they include obits but in this case i would be VERY suspect.
The family on FindAGRave has 2 daughters, Sarah Ann and Elizabeth. Born with 6 months of each other, which isn't humanly possible, so cannot be 100% accurate. Either one of the DOBs is wrong or one child is connected to wrong family, either way "Warning Will Robinson!".