H3b1b1 mtDNA Tree Project

Started by Linda Zimmerman on Monday, January 16, 2023
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Just wondering if anyone is watching (and are interested in) what I am doing here.? Spent all day yesterday, and today building trees here. have another 50 or so to go.. looking to build a H3b1b1 tree.

I am transferring public H3b1b1 trees from the FamilyTree DNA site to Geni, and then inviting the manager to Geni (If there not already here)

Looking for someone that uses the other DNA testing sites, to do the same..

This has to be done carefully to protect privacy, but yet share info.

I reviewed my tree in the H3b1b1 Project. Thank you for doing this work. I will be interested to see if more connections are discovered.
Thanks again,
Craig Moore

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