The research staff at Creech Country newsletter spent 12 years trying to verify that John Creech and Elizabeth Robinson (or Robertson) were the parents of John, Elijah, and Jonathan Creech. They never found a shred of evidence. They could not even find any evidence they we ever even married. The evidence purported in the James Milton Creech book has never been found by anybody. The book has been proven to be unreliable. Case in point the Robert Bell will which has many alterations from the original. The Richard Crouch from 1623 has been proven to be a carpenter from Howton, England born in the 1580s who survived the 1622 massacre and did not have a family. Records from 1635 show Richard Crich came alone indentured to William Carter who paid his passage. Captain Henry Creech was actually Captain Henry Creyke,born in 1637 in Yorkshire, England and was married to Alice Corbin. Captain Creyke died in 1684. Etc. etc... After years of research the staff at Creech Country determined using land, tax and census records was that Stephen Creech was probable father of John, Elijah, and Jonathan. They arrived in Lee County when he did. They fit into his family record in the 1790 census. At the same time each Elijah and Jonathan appear on personal property tax records one male comes off Stephen's. Lee County 1802 and 1805. 1798 Wilkes County, NC land grant describes Johns's tract as beginning at his father's line. Records show that Stephen Creech's land was next to John's, thus his was the father's line. Both Elijah and Jonathan are on the 1850 census as having been born in Virginia. John had died before the 1850 census. Stephen Creech is recorded in 1781 as a member of Captain Osborne's Militia in Montgomery County, Virginia. Stephen Creech was on tax lists in Montgomery County, Virginia in the 1780s. Sourced evidence of John and Elizabeth Creech being John, Elijah and Jonathan's parents. Even DAR site says it is not a source of linage.