Capt. Joshua Kenyon - There are two Joshua Kenyons of Charlestown Rhode Island at the same time - who is the son of Enoch/Lucy and who is the Capt?

Started by Private User on Sunday, January 22, 2023
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Looking at records in the Charlestown Town Council, on 10 Sep 1779, Joshua Kenyon (son of Enoch) is summoned for Grand juror service and that same day Capt. Joshua Kenyon is summoned for the Pettit juror.

On the 1790 Charlestown RI Census there are two Joshua Kenyon's - one with 2 males and 7 females and one with 4 males and 2 females.

The Joshua with 7 females is listed next to Ephraim Burdick & Isaac Saunders.

The Joshua with the 4 males and 2 femails is listed next to Sarah Potter widow (aka Sarah Kenyon) of William Potter decd and George Hall.

On the 1800 Westerly RI Census has a Joshua Kenyon.

On the 1800 Charlestown RI Census there are 2 Joshua Kenyons, one called #2.

Per land deeds - Joshua son of Enoch and Lucy signs deeds with a wife "Elizabeth" in 1783, 1786, 1792, 1802 and 1803 and remains of Charlestown. He also mentions in some deed transactions his siblings Sarah Potter and Roger Kenyon or Lucy as his mother and/or Enoch named as his father.

Per land deeds for the other Joshua who has Mary as his wife, signed in 1792. 1797, 1803. He is called Joshua of Westerly in 1796 & 1803 deeds signed as Joshua and Mary.

This other Joshua Kenyon maybe the son of Jonathan Kenyon & Sarah Rogers of Charlestown as in a 1782 deed, he receives land next to Jonathan Kenyon late deceased from other sons of Jonathan - Benjamin, Samuel and Nathan.

He could also be the son of Jonathan Jr., son of Jonathan Sr late deceased, so that would be that Benjamin, Samuel and Nathan are Joshua's uncles instead of his brothers.

Jonathan Jr. was the eldest son and heir of the Jonathan Sr. & Sarah Rogers and he died in 1766. Jonathan Jr. was born about 1725 ish so he could have a son born in the 1750's who could be a Captain. Per a land deed dated 1767 (after death of Jonathan Sr.) he signs with wife Sarah.

But if the Captain is born 1739 (per Westerly gravestone stating Captain is 64 years old at death in 1803) , then most likely Joshua would be a brother to Jonathan Jr., and Benjamin, Nathan and Samuel.

The will of Joseph Cross shows that he has a son in law Jos. Kenyon. He says her name is Mary Kenyon in that same will.
The marriage of Joshua Kenyon and Mary Cross is 1774, seems late. Joseph maybe had a first wife and Mary is older? He married Abigail in 1746.

So who is up for a challenge of trying to figure out the Joshua's and their respective families and descendants?

1774 Census in Charlestown has one Joshua Kenyon listed with 1, 1, 1, 1 so 1 male over 16 and 1 male under 16 and 1 female over 16 and 1 female under 16.

The 1777 Census in Charlestown for men who can bare arms shows two (2) Joshua Kenyon's, one being son of E(noch) and both over 16.

More researching on the Capt Joshua v. Joshua son of Enoch.
Something I found on Rhode Island Roots at NEGHS.

From the son of Arnold Burdick who was working on a Kenyon Genealogy in 1865, he being born in the 1840's, there were at least 5 brothers (Benjamin, Joshua, Nathan, Samuel, Jonathan Kenyon). The writer descends from Benjamin Kenyon (b 1737 - d. 1811). Benjamin has land deeds in Charlestown from his father Jonathan as well as Benjamin had land deeds to Joshua as well as Samuel, Jonathan and Nathan and many deeds mentioning the Joshua Kenyon land adjacent to his father or his brothers - Nathan, Jonathan Jr., Samuel. Joshua and James were often witnesses on these deeds too. Jonathan (father of the brothers) Kenyon of Charlestown who married 1st Sarah Rogers and 2nd a Mary - possibly Mary Gardiner of Nathaniel, widow of John Kenyon Jr.

Benjamin married 2nd a woman from Hopkinton - Elizabeth in 1768 so that his where his descendants are. The same writing shows that a daughters of Joshua married Chapmans - Joshua of Charlestown and then Westerly is buried in a Chapman Burial ground in Westerly - more evidence that the Joshua son of Jonathan is who married Mary Cross and is the one called Captain and buried in Westerly in 1803.

The Joshua son of Enoch married an Elizabeth per land deeds and was still in Charlestown as of 1800 along side his mother Lucy.

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