Catharina Sarah Nielsen Viviers - Slave mother?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Tuesday, January 24, 2023
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Eileen Winifred Warren II says about this profile: Catharina Sarah Viviers

By the information provided, would I be corrected in thinking ..he mother was a slave who may have been involved with the "master" or "master's son" therefore set free as a slave at birth, or even have been the product of a rape ? Just trying to get my mind around this. As there are no parents on the baptism I dought there would be birth records in George, or would I still be able to contact them to enquire? I have heard that sometimes the father was expected to pay some form of support, but not sure if that only applied in England. I would like to find our SM but it appears impossible. Unless some more DNA matches turn up that could help complete the connection.

I'm not sure how much we can really know here, Eileen. Her adult baptism describes her as "vrygeborene bastard hottentot" - which suggests that her mother might not have been a slave, as then it's more likely she would have been born a slave too.

Veygeborne, to my knowledge would be 'born free'. Free from what, if not a slave ?

In other words - not a slave - which she is quite likely to have been born, were her mother to have been a slave.

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