I believe that, at least according to the Oberelsbach Jewish Marriage Records RSA J2364 (held in Staatsarchiv Würzburg) (which I just uploaded to the Media here), there were indeed 2 Salomons that survived to adulthood, since they are listed with separate marriages and different birthdates. I think the most logical explanation for this seeming anomaly is that whoever transcribed these pages was a little distracted, and one of the Salomons should have been attributed to different parents. I have not been able to locate original birth records for them, which should clarify the issue. (Someone years ago checked the Catholic Pfarramt for original birth records for me, but was unable to find them.) Salomon (älter) Haas was born 25 Aug 1792 and @Salomon (Jünger) Haas was born 31 Jul 1796, Salomon Haas , both in Oberelsbach, according to the marriage log. If anyone can find the original birth records that would be fantastic!