Hugó Elek (Eckstein) dr. - HUGO ELEK'S DEATH

Started by joao elek on Thursday, February 9, 2023
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There is aversion that dr. Hugó Elek has been deported to a nazi concentration camp, seemingly Auschwitz. He had been rescued by Americans? Or Russians? Moreocver, there are 2 versions, 1 he was found extremely weak and was nursished excessiveky and thus he died; 2 after his release he hasn´t been located anymore. I am trying to verify means to validated that possible version of his death.

In the wake of my pursue to get to know the real fate of my grandfather I accessed the databse of Hungarian press. I found an article of 1946 which makes reference to Hugó Elek as a former prisioner of Auschwitz and yet retained in Germany and that he sent his best wishes and eagerness to get back home soon. So far this is what I have. I wonder whether the article is genuine and truthful or a misleading message of the soviets.

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