Jane Box Hines (Phoenix) - Need assistance with Jane Box Hinde (Phoenix)

Started by Suzan Martin on Saturday, February 25, 2023
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I don't see this on Thomas Box's original probated Will anywhere, or on actual court documents. Thomas Box list absolutely no wife. https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000192191827855

Thomas clearly didn't mention a wife in his Last Will and Testament.

I think people are confused-

Just because the executors were: Thomas Hines and his wife Jane Hines, doesn't mean Jane was actually married to Thomas Box! I find no court documentation that Jane was his wife. She would've been listed as his wife in his will.

1. What true documentation do we have for Jane Phoenix being married to Thomas Box?

2. The documentation I found is proving she was only married to Thomas Hines Mentioned in her father's Original Probated Will.

3. Thomas Box doesn't mention Jane in Will- https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000192191827855

Perhaps, Thomas Hines and Jane Hines (Phoenix) were the caregivers for the children after the death of the parents.


Thomas Box 30.437 I £39.12.3 Jun 10 1709
Appraisers: Edward Willet, David Small.
Administratrix: Jane Hinde, now wife of Thomas Hinde

Phoenix, Edward, planter, Prince George 's Co., Sth Apr., 1713; 25th May, 1714.
To dau. Jane Hynde, wife of Thos. Hynde, personalty.
To Major Josiah Wilson, all land at decease of wife.
wife Dinah, extx., residue of estate and life interest in land afsd.
Test: Walter Thomson, William Shillingsworth, John Auston.
13. 677.


Francis Piles Jr's wife's maiden name was NOT Osborn. She was one of the daughters named in Thomas Box's 1707/8 will, as can be proven by later sale(s) of the land that he divided between his two daughters. The matching deeds that prove it are:

Liber A p376: James Moore to Thomas Box; 163 acre part of Horse Race beginning at a white oak the SE corner of John Biggar's land on the Cabbin Branch, North 160 perches, East by North 180 perches...
Liber Q p665: Francis Piles & ux, Sarah, to Robert Levett; "half that tract or parcel called Horse Race" beginning at a white oak, North 160 perches, East by North 93 perches, South 11 East to the Cabbin Branch then with it to the beginning tree.

Although her father isn't named in the second deed, the metes & bounds exactly match half of the first tract, which Thomas Box purchased in 1701 from James Moore and willed to his two daughters in 1707/8. Francis Piles never purchased the tract or any other part of Horse Race, and Sarah is prominently named in this deed and one other (possibly half of her father's purchase from Ninian Beall of another part of Horse Race), but not named in other deeds from Francis before or after these two..


From genforum: Thomas Box in Prince George County, Maryland in 1698 and 1700 owned a piece of land on the west side of the western branch of Patuxant River beginning at the mouth of Cabbin Branch. The tract of land was called the "horse race." He was a blacksmith who died before 1726. A daughter, Dinah married James Ayre/Ayers Sr. James was a butcher who had also died before 1726. James Ayers Jr married a Hannah probably around 1750. They moved to Bedford Co VA.

Ancestry.com gives the possibility he was a son of Thomas and Jane (Jones) Box, who are listed as his parents in one gedcom, but clearly a generation older.

Husband: Thomas Box
Wife: Jane Phoenix
Date: ABT 1698
Place: Prince George's Co MD

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