Ok I have St Mary, Jamaica but note there are two Frederick Preston's on my global tree on My Heritage
Frederick James Preston
Feb 23 1877Smithfield, Westmorland, Jamaica
July 14 1931(at age 54)Clonmel, Saint Mary, Ja…
Research this person
Frederick James Preston
1844Hanover, Jamaica
Aug 31 1880(at age ~36)Smithfield, Westmorlan…
The one born in 1844 died in Smithfield but the younger man died in St Mary
Which one are we talking about? This is my dad's core paternal family
Frederick James Preston b 1844 Jamaica & sister Bessie Preston b 1855 (England??) show impossible father Alfred William Preston b 1889 & Elizabeth Wells McDonald b 1820 Jamaica
Most recent merge
Should that merge be undone?
You mean because of the dates?
I've got to unmerge to see the other one it seems - let's see what it was:
Alfred William Preston
Alfred William Preston
Gender: Male
Birth: estimated between 1839 and 1839
Salesbury, Lancashire
Immediate Family:
Son of Charles Preston and Jane Elizabeth Tunnard
Father of Frederick James Preston and Bessie Preston
Brother of John Preston and Alice Preston
Added by: Edward Alfred Leo Preston on 7 July 2007
Managed by: Edward Alfred Leo Preston and Dr. Wilton McDonald II - Attorney & Barrister
Here's the original merge - dates still out
Looks like I've got to undo that too to see it as a profile outside of the merge record
Alfred William Preston
Alfred William Preston
Gender: Male
Birth: estimated between 1790 and 1838
Salesbury, Lancashire
Immediate Family:
Father of Frederick James Preston and Bessie Preston
Added by: Edward Alfred Leo Preston on 7 July 2007
Managed by: Edward Alfred Leo Preston
merged into
Alfred William Preston
Alfred William Preston
Gender: Male
Birth: estimated between 1833 and 1833
Salesbury, Lancashire
Immediate Family:
Son of Charles Preston and Jane Elizabeth Tunnard
Father of John P Freestone; Adam Freestone; Albert Freestone; Lydia Freestone; Edward Freestone; Bessie Preston and Samuel Freestone « less
Brother of John Preston and Alice Preston
Added by: Dr. Wilton McDonald II - Attorney & Barrister on 29 November 2020
Managed by: Dr. Wilton McDonald II - Attorney & Barrister
These matched English trees do not go to Jamaica (or Louisiana)
Sharon Doubell - i think you can remerge now and match the original profile entry. Conflict triangle at Frederick James Preston
Private User hasn't been on Geni since 2017, and provides no primary sources for the 1889 Salesbury, Lancashire birth.
I can't ethically resolve the Frederick triangle, without knowing if these are the same people, so I've removed the Salesbury Alfred - but I think this is a definite avenue to pursue for primary records in Lancashire.
Bessie Preston also has no sources and wasn't originally added by Edward Alfred Leo Preston, whose profile the Salesbury Alfred was -
She also doesn't appear here - our source for the rest of her Jamaica family:
Generation No. 2
3. Elizabeth [2 Jamaica Law 6 Burial Register I, 1871-1874, I, p. 13 #616.] McDonald (James [1 Jamaica Parish Register Marriage III & IV, 1838-1855, III, p. 68 #26.] ) was born Bet. 1819 - 1820. She married Alfred William Preston August 16, 1843 in Hanover [7Jamaica Parish Register Marriage III & IV, 1838-1855, III, p. 107 #59.]
More About Elizabeth McDonald:
More About Alfred William Preston:
More About Alfred Preston and Elizabeth McDonald:
Child of Elizabeth McDonald and Alfred Preston is:
Instead, she's 10 years and a different place away from her brother's birth. I've asked for primary sources to link her back to them.