Capt. Harry Beverley - Capt. Harry Beverley's mother

Started by Private User on Saturday, March 4, 2023
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  • Private User
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Since I last spend time on this profile, it seems as though there has been some resolution on the question of Katherine Robinson's identity. However, what is the explanation for her continuing to be shown as mother to Capt. Harry Beverley

If it is confirmed that Major Robert Beverley, of Jamestown married C/Katherine in 1679 and C/Katherine is Harry's mother, then Harry's imputed birthdate of 1669 is wrong. Is there any evidence that suggests Harry could have been born after 1675? I have not seen it here.

And what about this theory from
"Major Robert Beverly/Beverley b ca 1635 d 1687 had four wives: 1) md bef 1656-1663 England, Elizabeth Armistead (mother of Thomas and Peter); (2 bef 1 Apr 1663-1666 Jamestown, VA, Margaret Boyd (mother Thomas (2), Christopher, Abigail); (3 Mary Carter, widow of George Keeble (mother by Robert Beverley: 9 sons [of which Harry Beverley was my ancestor] and 3 dau., in marriage 12 y 2mns until she died 1 Jun 1678 Middlesex, Va.); (4. 28 Mar 1679,Va Catherine Armistead (Mrs. Hone).

"So wife #3 Margaret Boyd is confused [in error] on web, pedigrees and her dates with #3 MARY CARTER BEVERLEY which church memorial has survived. Unfortunately only Mary Carter Beverley children KDM has: 1) Peter Beverley, 2nd (or 4th) Robert Jr., 3) Henry or Harry (3rd son), 4) N.N., 5?) Mary (younger) and 12) Anne ; names of children #6 to 11 unknown to KDM."

We may never know Harry's actual birth mother, but can we at least remove C/Katherine from the possibilities?

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