John Garton - Disputed origins

Started by Erica Howton on Saturday, March 4, 2023
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Disputed origins


It seems unlikely that John Garton is a son of William Captain William Garton, of Christ Church Parish John Garton had a son named Richard who according to probate records of 1701 had died leaving four children. This means that Richard had to have been born no later than about 1675, and John Garton had to have been born around 1655 or earlier. But Margaret Angell, his supposed mother, was still unmarried as of her father William's will in October 1659 (she was called Margaret Angell). So these would have to be VERY crunched generations if this story is correct, with John Garton being born around 1661, Richard around 1678, and Richard's first child around 1696 at the very latest. It's possible, but it seems more likely that this relationship is just wrong.

There is no son “John” listed in William’s Will.

Additionally, we don’t know the parents of John’s wife Martha Garton

She was not a known child of John Martin & Christian Waddington

For this location and era, our best evidence is most likely found in property conveyances and wills. A good resource is Mike Marshall’s database, Colonial Settlers of Maryland and Early Virginia, as it extracts extensively from those records.

Not so good resources are FamilySearch and online trees, unless they show or cite that kind of record.

Birth: 1683

Rappahannock County

Virginia, USA

Death: Jan. 3, 1747

Orange County

Virginia, USA

Catherine Garton was born abt 1683 in Old Rappahannock City, Virginia, USA. Catherine was the daughter of John Garton (1651-1698) and Martha Adelade Martin Garton (1644-1702).

Catherine married Thomas Petty (1686-1750) in Richmond Co, VA on 6 March 1700. He was the son of Thomas (Petit) Petty II (1664-1719) and Rachel Wilson Petty (1656-1720).

Thomas and Catherine Garton Petty were the parents of the following 10 known children: Rebecca Petty, John Petty, James Petty, Thomas Petty IV, Christopher Petty, William Petty, Elijah Petty, Mary Petty, Martha Petty and George Petty.

From ancestry: Family Data Collection - Individual Records

about Catherine Garton: Name: Catherine Garton - Spouse: Thomas Petty - Parents: John Garton, Martha - Birth Place: Rappannock Co, VA - Birth Date: 1682 - Marriage Place: Richmond Co, VA - Marriage Date: 6 Mar 1701 - Death Place: Orange Co, VA - Death Date: 1747.

More about the Petty family in this book:

“Gillmore-Carter and allied families" on page 97.

Petty, Abner, 97. Ann, 97.
Apphira, 96-97. Benjamin, 97. Catherine, 97. Catherine Morris, 97. Christopher, 97. Dorothy, 97. Elizabeth, 97-98. Frances, 97. Geo., 95-96-97. Godfrey Garton, 97. James, 97. Jemima, 98. John, 96-97-98-iii. Luke, 97. Margaret Lee, 80. Martha, 97. Mary, 97. Patsy, 95. Rachel, 97. Rebecca,96-97-98.
Reuben, 97. Susanna, 98. Thomas, Capt., 97-98-iii.

Some more info for Petty /Garton side -

It is 1am in morning- will add more later

Thomas Petty, second child above and wife, Catherine Garton m. 3-6-1701, Marriage Book Richmond Co., Va. (Will 31 Jan. 1748/49 Orange Co., Va. probated 24 May 1750) Will did not name wife, presumably she was dead at that time; named issue nine children:— John Petty b. c. 1702 d. 1770 m. Rebecca Simms (Sims) *See below.; Thomas Petty m. Elizabeth Moore Aug. 24, 1727; Christopher Petty (will prob. 1785 Prince Wm. Co., Va. names 17 children); William Petty; James Petty; Rebecca Petty m. by 1725 Thomas Simms; Mary Petty m. Knight; George Petty; and Martha Petty, Orange Co., Va. will Book 2, page 14

Book doesn’t give ancestry of John Garton & his wife Martha.

Dr. Linwood Custalow, Angela L. Daniel. The True Story of Pocahontas, (Golden, Colorado : Fulcrum Publishing, 2007)51, 79, 82, 89-90.

Patawomeck Tides, 2009 Article by Bill Deyo,

Walter Lee Hopkins, Hopkins of Virginia and related families, (Richmond, Virginia : J. W. Ferguson and Sons, 1931) 9, digital images, Hathi Trust ( : accessed 8 August 2016).

Pocahontas Hutchinson Stacey and Alice Bohmer Rudd, The Pettus Family, (Washington : self published, 1957) digital images, Hathi Trust ( : accessed 8 August 2016).

Custalow and Daniel, True Story of Pocahontas.

York County Deed, Orders, and Wills (2) 63, dated 27 Feb 1645/6; Thomas Pettus paid 600lbs. in tobacco for one "Native American".

“Online Catalog: Images and Indexes," database with images, The Library of Virginia (javascript:open_window(";); : accessed 8 August 2016) Captain Thomas Pettus land grant, 7 April 1643, citing Virginia, Colonial Land Office Patents, 1623-1774.

Find A Grave, database with images ( : accessed 8 August 2016) memorial page for Christian Pettus (1636-1701) Find A Grave Memorial #131605608, citing Ron Stephens.

Deed and Will Abstracts of Stafford County 1686-1689, Eds. Ruth and Sam Sparacio, McLean VA 1989 pp. 38-38 not sure who owns this website

Christian Waddington

Record Book Abstracts of Stafford County, Virginia, 1699-1709, pages 39 and 40

The above people are hard to find - but I and others still believe Historian Bill Deyo’s words.

Here is a link for a book. Might help Pettus line- but will give info to so many others. I find it to be a treasure book.

Hi Tery Kempf

Yes, I’m familiar with Mr. Deyo’s work. We’ve chosen not to link Ka-Okee to the Pettus family on geni. The Pettus Family is large & confusing. There’s a recent Pettus book:

"Thomas Petyous of Norwich, England and his Pettus Descendants in England and Virginia (Volume 1)" by William Walker Pettus IV. Pub. Otter Bay Books 2011. The original print run was limited to 300, but pdf copies may be purchased by contacting the author directly.“

FindAGrave is not reliable for Stafford County, I have found. If anyone is! It’s a very difficult area. And there were very many Martín families.

So what I see, so far, is that we don’t yet have identified the origins of Martha Garton

We know she wasn’t Christian Waddington

And we don’t have verifiable (outside of Mr. Deyo) notes for a different Christian who married a John Martin (which one?).

I doubt there are instant answers.

Re: multi worlds

It’s owned by Dr. jur. William Griffith Hester - do you have any insight into Garton / Martin?

my website has to do with my translation work, later also political activity. The genealogical back office is hence
gets to my own pedigree
My work includes all I could get from William Deyo, Chief Night Owl. and whatever web sites I could google upon or get from the trees of my DNA matches and patch together.

I think this "Martha Adelade Martin" theory for Martha Garton is pure rubbish. I haven't seen one bit of substantiation online, not even a Native American oral history. It's more likely that Martha Garton was either a sister of John Hughes or his wife Hannah, John Hughes being not only executor to John Garton's will but having jointly purchased land with him in 1696 that they both lived on, according to deeds. Hughes also left some property to his godson, but noted that in the event godson died young the property would go to the children of John Garton. This shows a close familial relationship between the Hughes and Garton families that indicates they were almost certainly in-laws.

That’s a theory that makes sense. Thank you.

"Jno. Garton" named as one of 8 transportees in headright for 366 acres on Mockjack Bay, Gloucester
County, Virginia, to John Benson on April 10, 1667 (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. II, pg. 21).
John Garton received a land grant in 1685 with a "Hewes" (VA Northern Neck Land Grants 1694-1742
Vol. I Pg. 24). Garton sealed his will on June 17, 1698. Probate papers in 1701 names his daughter Katherine, wife of
Thomas Petty. Garton died between the date of his will and 1701. John Garton cannot be a son of William and Margaret Garton. William Garton was married to Margaret Angell after 1659, because she is called by her maiden name in the will of her father that year. Which means John Garton could not have been born before 166o if he is their son. However, the headright grant shown above indicates that John Garton was himself an immigrant transported in 1667, and therefore was
born no later than about 1650.
1699-1701 Richmond County, VA Order Book; Antient Press: Page 104
Richmond County Court 7th of May 1701: - Reference is granted between THO: PETTY & KATHARINE his Wife, one of the Daughters & legatees of JOHN GARTON deced & ROBERT PORT as Marrying HANNA HUGHES, Administrx. of
JOHN HUGHES, Executr. of JOHN GARTON deced, till next Court &c. - Reference is granted between MARTHA GARTON prochin amie to her Children, JOHN &
RUTH GARTON. Plts. and ROBERT PORT. as Marrying HANNA HUGHES. Administrx. of JNO.
HUGHES, Executr. of JOHN GARTON deced. Deft. till next Court &c. Reference is granted between DAVID BARROW, Mercht. Pit. & ROBERT PORT as Marrying HANNA
HUGHES, Administrx. of JOHN HUGHES, Executr. of JNO. GARTON deced till next Court
1699-1701 Richmond County, VA Order Book; Antient Press: Page 140
Richmond County Court 4th of March 1701 - THOMAS PATTY and CATHERINE his Wife, one of the Daughters and Legatees of JOHN GARTON
deced, Complt, agt., ROBERT PORT and ANNA his Wife, Admx, of JNO. HUGHES. Exr. of JNO. GARTON, in a plea that they render unto the Pits. the summe of seventeen hundred and fifty & two fifths pounds of tobba: showing that JNO. GARTON late of the County deced, in his last Will and Testament dated ye 17th of June 1698 give and bequeath unto his Wife and five Children, RICHARD, JOHN, MATHEW, CATHERINE and RUTH one halfe of all his Estate, equally to be divided amongst them which Estate being appraised amounted to Seventeen thousand five hundred and four pounds of tobacco. the one half of which is Eight thousand seven hundred fifty two and RICHARD, one of the Children being dead, the said Eight thousand seven hundred and fifty two pounds of tobacco being equally divided between the said Widdow and foure Children theire equall part amounting to Seventeen hundred and fifty & two fifths pounds of Tobacco for which the said Pits. have brought suite and demand Judgment wth costs &c.; And the said Defts, by theire Attorney, Capt. THOMAS GREGSON, for plea do say that the said JOHN GARTON at the time of his decease had not power to dispose of the one halfe or any part of the Estate then in possession of them ve said GARTON and JOHN HUGHES for that the same was purchased by them joyntly and by them held in Joynt tenancy during the life time of the said GARTON and was never divided before his decease for which cause ye said Defts. do say that the right and property of ye whole Estate was legally vested in and doth by Law belong to the said JOHN HUGHES by survivourship; and therefore the said Plts. ought not to have or maintain this action; Upon motion of NATHANLL. POPLE, Atto. for the Plts., time is given him till morning to make replication to the said Plea

John Garton and said wife had five children.

Now to find his spouse ?

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