Thimo I

Started by Michelle Angelique Stein on Saturday, March 4, 2023
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I see only one Thimo in her GGF male ancestral line. I had wondered where William I went, but that wasn't this line. I am 2 generations closer to William I than she was. That stings.

I too am descended from William I. Unfortunately to inherit title and lands in the British system one needed to be the firstborn son.

Well, Elizabeth II got by just fine w/o a son part. If they wanted men to rule, and they did, they should have passed it on to male heirs next in line, but they horded everything ever royal ancestor ever left any of his descendants, they get to be the only ones who have anything out of it. They let things slide in order to strategically control everything endlessly and there are quite a lot of us out here. I'd love to see who has been descended from the most amount of Kings and Queens of England and go by that. They also stole so much from the world and don't want to give things back and don't want to share what wasn't stolen, if that even is anything, because only they matter in their minds. They're incorrect.

The truth is that they strategically were all over the continents seizing and then all over Europe they were trading posts for monarchs back and forth and letting heirs just pass by. Royal family means royal family. I am probably not even considered royal by any of them but the good thing there is that I do not care what they think. I come from the same people.

One of my favorite BBC documentaries outlines how the rightful heir to the British throne is a sheep farmer in Australia.

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