NB! Also for information for everyone it seems that all of the old Tuutarin seurakunta churchbooks reference links now will lead to wrong pages if you have used the digihakemisto referencing like I do.
The new coloured scanlations seem to also have added the blank pages that the old scans did not, so now the old links will lead to wrong pages. So if someone has used the digihakemisto references I recommend looking up the actual page number within the reference text and then go to the written page within the link to get the correct page.
For example I'm using my great grandfathers Stephan Heinrich-son Jaakkimainen profile:
Stephan Heinrichssohn Jaakkimain
The old digihakemisto reference with a link is this:
Tuutarin seurakunnan arkisto - Rippikirja I 1892-1906 (I-22), jakso 865, sivu 864: Jänismäki; Kansallisarkisto: http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=33750621 / Viitattu 22.12.2020
When you click on the link you will arrive now with coloured new scans on page 861 instead of the 864 you need to. So off by 4 pages. Now If I look at the actual page number on the old reference, and search up four pages to get to the right page, You will get to the right page.
It will take a lot of time to fix up all the old references, but it is good to know how to find the right page easier. Now I am starting to slowly renew the old reference links to new ones.