Jamestown Genealogy Records in Alphabetical order by the first letter in Main Surname
(It has a list) and some information but you have to buy the rest.
This is going to take the entire colony of Jamestown to go through but these are the initial people. Some are listed a few times because of multiple marriages. BUT names are there... (Faris is not, but if he married Elizabeth Hallom per my finding in my message above, I believe her father is on this list)... Might be easier to go to the website. I attached the link below,
More importantly, if these people are marked as Jamestown Colonists as the Pilgrims are on Geni, then pulling them up in the future may be easier and any of these people that are connected to the wrong people can be fixed. THIS COMES STRAIGHT FROM THE JAMESTOWN GENEALOGY RECORDS
(I think Jamestown is more important than the Pilgrims anyway)
Genealogy Records
Addy, Mary
Given Name: Mary
Surnames: Addy; Branch
Spouse: Christopher Branch (separate record available)
Andrews, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Andrews (Andros)
Spouse: Mary Stringer (in this record)
Bagwell, Henry
Given Name: Henry
Surname: Bagwell
Barham, Anthony
Given Name: Anthony
Surname: Barham (Baram, Barram)
Spouse: Elizabeth Pierce (separate record available)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Basse, Nathaniel
Given Name: Nathaniel
Surname: Basse (Bass)
Bates, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Bates
Bayly, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Bayly (Bailey, Bayley, Bailie, Baile, Baily, Bailey, Bailye, Baylie)
Beheathland, Mary
Given Name: Mary
Surnames: Maiden name unknown; Beheathland (Behethlem); Flint (Flynt)
Spouses: Robert Beheathland (separate record available); Thomas Flint (separate record available)
Beheathland, Robert
Given Name: Robert
Surname: Beheathland (Behethlem)
Spouse: Mary Beheathland (separate record available)
Bennett, Joane
Given Name: Joane
Surnames: Maiden name unknown; Bennett (Bennet); Chapman
Spouses: Samuel Bennett (separate record available); Thomas Chapman (in this record)
Bennett, Samuel
Given Name: Samuel (Samwell, Samuell)
Surname: Bennett (Bennet)
Spouse: Joane Bennett (separate record available)
Bernard, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Bernard (Barnard)
Spouse: Lucy Higginson (in this record)
Bibby, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Bibby (Bibbie, Bribbie)
Boyce, Cheney
Given Name: Cheney (Chyna, Chene, Cheyney)
Surname: Boyce (Boise, Boyse, Boys, Boice)
Spouse: Joyce Boyce (in this record) *** It Rhymes***
No confirmed surviving descendants
Boyle, Hannah
Given Name: Hannah (Hanna)
Surnames: Boyle; Hill; Spilman (Spellman, Spelman, Spillman); Mountney
Spouses: Edward Hill (separate record available); Thomas Spilman (separate record available); Alexander Mountney (separate record available)
Boyse, Alice
Given Name: Alice (Allice)
Surnames: Maiden name unknown; Boyse (Boise, Boys, Boice, Boyce); Edlow (Edlo, Edloe, Edlowe)
Spouses: Luke Boyse (separate record available); Matthew Edlow (separate record available)
Boyse, Luke
Given Name: Luke
Surname: Boyse (Boise, Boys, Boice, Boyce)
Spouse: Alice Boyse (separate record available)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Branch, Christopher
Given Name: Christopher
Surname: Branch
Spouse: Mary Addy (separate record available)
Buck, Richard
Given Name: Richard
Surname: Buck (Bucke)
Burras, Anne
Given Name: Anne
Surnames: Burras (Buras); Laydon (Layden, Leydon, Layton)
Spouse: John Laydon (separate record available)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Bush, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Bush
No confirmed surviving descendants
Calthorpe, Christopher
Given Name: Christopher
Surname: Calthorpe (Calthorp, Calthrop, Calthrope, Colethrope, Galthorpe)
Spouse: Ann Calthorpe (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Carsley, Henry
Given Name: Henry
Surname: Carsley (Careley, Caursley)
Spouse: Elizabeth Berriman (Berryman) (in this record)
Carter, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Carter
Chaplaine, Isaack
Given Name: Isaack (Isack, Isaac, Isaak)
Surname: Chaplaine (Chaplin, Chapline, Chaplain, Chaplyn)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Chew, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Chew
Spouse: Sarah Chew (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Chisman, Edmund
Given Name: Edmund (Edmond, Edward)
Surname: Chisman (Cheesman, Cheaseman, Cheasman)
Spouse: Mary Lilly Chisman (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Claiborne, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Claiborne (Claiborn, Clayborne, Cleyborn)
Spouse: Elizabeth Boteler (Butler) (in this record)
Clay, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Clay (Claye)
Spouse: Elizabeth Clay (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Cobb, Joseph
Given Name: Joseph
Surname: Cobb
Spouse: Elizabeth Flinton (separate record available)
Cole, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Cole (Coale)
Spouse: Frances (Francis) (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Coxe, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Coxe (Cox, Cocke)
Crew, Randall
Given Name: Randall
Surname: Crew
Spouse: Dorothy Beheathland (in this record)
Croshaw, Raleigh
Given Name: Raleigh (Rawleigh, Raughly)
Surname: Croshaw (Crashaw)
Probable but unproven descendants
Crump, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Crump (Crompe, Crumpe, Crampe, Crumfort)
Spouse: Elizabeth Buck (Bucke) (in this record)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Curtis, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Curtis
Davis, James
Given Name: James
Surname: Davis
Delke, Roger
Given Name: Roger
Surname: Delke (Delk, Dilke)
Spouse: Alice Delke (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Edloe, Matthew
Given Name: Matthew
Surname: Edloe (Edlo, Edlow, Edlowe)
Spouse: Alice Boyse (separate record available)
Epes, Francis
Given Name: Francis
Surname: Epes (Epps, Eppes)
Epes, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Epes (Epps, Eppes)
Spouse: Margaret Epes (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Farrar, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Farrar (Ferrar, Ferrer)
Spouse: Sisley Jordan (separate record available)
Fisher, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Fisher (Fissher)
Spouse: Elizabeth Fisher (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Fleete, Henry
Given Name: Henry
Surname: Fleete (Fleet)
Spouse: Sarah Burden Fleete (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Flint, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Flint (Flynt)
Spouse: Mary Beheathland (separate record available)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Flinton, Elizabeth
Given Name: Elizabeth (Eliazabeth)
Surnames: Flinton (Finton, Phlinton); Cobb
Spouse: Joseph Cobb (separate record available)
Flinton, Pharoah
Given Name: Pharaoh (Pharow, Farrar, Farrow)
Surname: Flinton (Finton, Phlinton)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Flood, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Flood (Fludd, Flud, Floyd)
Spouses: Margaret Finch Flood (maiden name unknown) (in this record); Fortune Jordan (in this record)
Flowerdew, Temperance
Given Name: Temperance
Surnames: Flowerdew; Barrow; Yeardley (Yardley); West (Weste)
Spouses: Richard Barrow (in this record); George Yeardley (separate record available); Francis West (separate record available)
Fuller, Elizabeth
Given Name: Elizabeth
Surnames: Fuller; Clements; Hamor (Hamer); Felgate (Fellgate)
Spouses: Ralph Hamor (separate record available); Tobias Felgate (in this record)
Gaither, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Gaither (Gater, Gatter, Gaethar)
Gaskins, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Gaskins (Gascoynes, Gaskon, Gaskoyne, Gascoigne, Gasqgoyne, Gaskine, Gasko)
Gookin, Daniel
Given Name: Daniel
Surname: Gookin (Gookins, Cookins, Goegen, Gookine)
Spouse: Mary Byrd (in this record)
Gosnold, Bartholomew
Given Name: Bartholomew
Surname: Gosnold
No confirmed surviving descendants
Granger, Nicholas
Given Name: Nicholas (Nicholai)
Surname: Granger (Graunger, Grange, Grainger, Grindger, Gringer)
Graves, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Graves (Grayes, Granes)
Gray, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Gray (Graye)
Grendon, Edward
Given Name: Edward
Surname: Grendon (Grindon, Grindall)
Gundry, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Gundry (Gundy, Grundy, Grindy, Gunnery, Gundrie)
Spouse: Mary (Marie) Gundry (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Hallom, Robert
Given Name: Robert
Surname: Hallom (Halam, Hallam, Hollam, Hollom)
Spouse: Ann Price (separate record available)
Hamor, Ralph
Given Name: Ralph (Ralphe)
Surname: Hamor (Hamer)
Spouse: Elizabeth Fuller (separate record available)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Hampton, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Hampton
Spouse: Joane Hampton (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Harmar, Charles
Given Name: Charles
Surname: Harmar (Harmor, Harmer, Harman, Farmer)
Spouse: Ann Southey (separate record available)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Harris, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Harris
Spouse: Adria Hoare (separate record available)
Harwood, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Harwood
Spouse: Ann Harwood (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Hill, Edward
Given Name: Edward
Surname: Hill
Spouse: Hannah Boyle (separate record available)
Hoare, Adria
Given Name: Adria (Audry, Adry)
Surnames: Hoare; Harris
Spouse: Thomas Harris (separate record available)
Holt, Randall
Given Name: Randall
Surname: Holt (Howlett)
Spouse: Mary Bayly (in this record and also in the record for her father, John Bayly)
Hooe, Rice
Given Name: Rice (Ryce)
Surname: Hooe (Howe, Hoe)
Hopkins, Stephen
Given Name: Stephen
Surname: Hopkins
Spouses: Mary Kent (in this record); Elizabeth Fisher (in this record)
Johnson, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Johnson
Jordan, Samuel
Given Name: Samuel
Surname: Jordan (Jerdan)
Spouse: Sisley Jordan (separate record available)
No confirmed surviving descendants
***Jordan, Sisley*************************
Given Name: Sisley (Cecily, Cecely)
Surnames: Maiden name unknown; Bailey (Bayley, Baley); Jordan (Jerdan); Farrar (Ferrar, Ferrer)
Spouses: Samuel Jordan (separate record available); William Farrar (separate record available)
Jordan, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Jordan (Jorden, Jerdan)
Keith, George
Given Name: George
Surname: Keith (Keth)
Spouse: Susan Keith (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Kent, Humfrey
Given Name: Humfrey (Humphrey)
Surname: Kent
Spouse: Joane Kent (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Kingsmill, Richard
Given Name: Richard
Surname: Kingsmill
Spouse: Jane Kingsmill (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Knott, James
Given Name: James
Surname: Knott
Laydon, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Laydon (Layden, Leydon, Layton)
Spouse: Anne Burras (separate record available)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Lloyd, Edward
Given Name: Edward
Surname: Lloyd (Loyd)
Lupo, Albiano
Given Name: Albiano (Aliano, Albono)
Surname: Lupo
No confirmed surviving descendants
Lupo, Philip
Given Name: Philip
Surname: Lupo
Macock, Samuel
Given Name: Samuel
Surname: Macock (Macocke, Maycocke)
Martiau, Nicholas
Given Name: Nicholas
Surname: Martiau (Marteu, Martue, Marteaw, Marteau)
Mason, Francis
Given Name: Francis
Surname: Mason
Mathews, Samuel
Given Name: Samuel
Surname: Mathews (Matthews, Matthewes)
Spouses: Frances Greville (in this record); Miss Hinton (first name unknown) (in this record)
Menefie, George
Given Name: George
Surname: Menefie
Spouse: Isabel Smyth (separate record available)
Montague, Peter
Given Name: Peter
Surname: Montague
Moone, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Moone (Moon)
Moore, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Moore (More)
Mountney, Alexander
Given Name: Alexander
Surname: Mountney
Spouse: Hannah Boyle (separate record available)
Osborne, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Osborne (Osbourn)
Pace, Richard
Given Name: Richard
Surname: Pace
Spouse: Isabel Smyth (separate record available)
Parramore, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Parramore
Spouse: Elizabeth Drake (in this record)
Pead, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Pead (Peede)
Spouse: Mary Pead (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Peirce, Joane
Given Name: Joane (Joan, Jane)
Surnames: Maiden name unknown; Peirce (Pierce, Pearse, Perse, Perce, Peerce)
Spouse: William Peirce (separate record available)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Peirce, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Peirce (Pierce, Pearse, Perse, Perce, Peerce)
Spouse: Joane Peirce (separate record available)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Peirsey, Abraham
Given Name: Abraham
Surname: Peirsey
Spouses: Elizabeth Draper (in this record); Frances Grenville (in this record)
Perry, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Perry
Spouse: Isabell Smyth (separate record available)
Pierce, Alice
Given Name: Alice
Surnames: Maiden name unknown; Pierce; Bennett
Spouse: Thomas Bennett (in this record)
Pierce, Elizabeth
Given Name: Elizabeth
Surnames: Pierce; Barham; Jackson
Spouses:Anthony Barham (separate record available); Richard Jackson (in this record)
Pooley, Greville
Given Name: Greville (Griville)
Surname: Pooley
No confirmed surviving descendants
Pott, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Pott
No confirmed surviving descendants
Price, Ann
Given Name: Ann
Surnames: Maiden name unknown; Price; Hallom (Halam, Hallam, Hollam, Hollom); Llewellyn (Lewellin)
Spouses: John Price (separate record available); Robert Hallom (separate record available); Daniel Llewellyn (in this record)
Price, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Price
Spouse: Ann Price (separate record available)
Purefoy, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Purefoy (Purfoy, Purfray, Purifoy, Purifie)
Spouse: Lucy Purefoy (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Reynolds, Christopher
Given Name: Christopher
Surname: Reynolds (Reinolds)
Robins, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Robins (Robinson)
Rolfe, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Rolfe
Spouses: Rebecca Rolfe (Pocahontas) (in this record); Joane Peirce (in this record and in the records of her parents, William and Joane Peirce)
Rookins, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Rookins (Rookings)
Spouse: Jane Baxter (in this record)
Royall, Joseph
Given Name: Joseph
Surname: Royall
Spouse: Katherine Banks (in this record)
Savage, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Savage (Savadge)
Spouse: Ann (Hannah) Savage (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Sharp, Elizabeth
Given Name: Elizabeth
Surnames: Maiden name unknown; Sharp (Sharpe); Packer (Parker, Paker); Baugh
Spouses: William Sharp (separate record available); Thomas Packer (in this record); William Baugh (in this record)
Sharp, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Sharp (Sharpe)
Spouse: Elizabeth Sharp (separate record available)
Sheppey, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Sheppey (Sheepey, Sheppy)
Slaughter, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Slaughter (Slater)
Spouse: Anne Slaughter (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Probable but unproven descendants
Smith, Arthur
Given Name: Arthur
Surname: Smith (Smyth)
Smith, Richard
Given Name: Richard
Surname: Smith
Smith, Roger
Given Name: Roger
Surname: Smith
Spouse: Joane Peirce (in this record and in the records of her parents, William and Joane Peirce)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Smyth, Isabell
Given Name: Isabell (Isabella, Izabella)
Surnames: Smyth; Pace; Perry; Menefie
Spouses: Richard Pace (separate record available); William Perry (separate record available); George Menefie (separate record available)
Southey, Ann
Given Name: Ann (Anna)
Surnames: Southey (Soothey, Sothey); Harmar (Harmor, Harmer, Harman; Farmer); Littleton
Spouses: Charles Harmar (separate record available); Nathaniel Littleton (in this record)
Spencer, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Spencer (Spence)
Spilman, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Spilman (Spellman, Spillman, Spelman)
Spouse: Hannah Boyle (separate record available)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Stephens, Richard
Given Name: Richard
Surname: Stephens
Spouse: Elizabeth Peirsey (in this record and in the record of her father, Abraham Peirsey)
Strachey, William
Given Name: William
Surname: Strachey
Spouse: Frances Forster (in this record)
Tatum, Nathaniel
Given Name: Nathaniel (Nathanell, Nathaniell)
Surname: Tatum (Tattam, Tatam)
Taylor, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Taylor
Thorowgood, Adam
Given Name: Adam
Surname: Thorowgood (Thoroughgood, Thorogood, Thorugood)
Spouse: Sarah Offley (in this record)
Tooke, James
Given Name: James
Surname: Tooke (Took, Tuke)
Townshend, Richard
Given Name: Richard
Surname: Townshend (Townsend)
Spouse: Frances Baldwin (in this record)
Trussell, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Trussell
Utie, Ann
Given Name: Ann Surnames: Maiden name unknown; Utie (Uty, Utye, Utey); Bennett Spouses: John Utie (separate record available); Richard Bennett (in this record)
Utie, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Utie (Uty, Utye, Utey)
Spouse: Ann Utie (separate record available)
Waters, Edward
Given Name: Edward
Surname: Waters (Watters, Walters)
Spouse: Grace Waters (separate record available)
Waters, Grace
Given Name: Grace
Surnames: Maiden name unknown; Waters (Watters, Walters) ; Robins
Spouses: Edward Waters (separate record available); Obedience Robins (in this record)
West, Francis
Given Name: Francis
Surname: West (Weste)
Spouse: Temperance Flowerdew (separate record available)
No confirmed surviving descendants
West, John
Given Name: John
Surname: West (Weste)
West, Nathaniel
Given Name: Nathaniel
Surname: West (Weste)
Spouse: Frances Grenville (in this record)
West, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: West (Weste)
Spouse: Cecily (Cecilia) Shirley (in this record)
Whiting, James
Given Name: James
Surname: Whiting (Whitinge)
No confirmed surviving descendants
Wilkins, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Wilkins (Wilkens, Wilkines)
Spouses: Bridget Croft (in this record); Anne Wilkins (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Williams, Henry
Given Name: Henry (Henery)
Surname: Williams
Spouses: Susan Andrews (possible maiden name) (in this record); Margery (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Willoughby, Thomas
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Willoughby (Willoby, Willoughbie)
Wood, Abraham
Given Name: Abraham
Surname: Wood
No confirmed surviving descendants
Woodliffe, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Woodliffe (Woodlief, Woodlase)
Woodson, John
Given Name: John
Surname: Woodson
Spouse: Sarah Woodson (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Woodward, Christopher
Given Name: Christopher
Surname: Woodward
Wroughton, Ezekiah
Given Name: Ezekiah
Surname: Wroughton (Raughton)
Spouse: Margaret Wroughton (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Wyatt, Haute
Given Name: Haute (Haut, Hant, Hante, Hautt, Hawt)
Surname: Wyatt (Wiatt, Wyat)
Spouses: Barbara Mitford (in this record); Ann Cox (in this record)
Yeardley, George
Given Name: George
Surname: Yeardley (Yardley)
Spouse: Temperance Flowerdew (separate record available)