Consider making a small change to Messages requesting Private Profiles be made Public

Начал Dan Berwin Brockman сегодня
Сегодня в 2:09 после полудня

I am confronted daily with Jews of Rhodes profiles that are marked Private. They are for people who were in the Holocaust and may have survived. I would like to make them Public and Deceased and maybe add them to the Holocaust Survivors Project. There were about 1500 such survivors, now almost all deceased, except for a few such as Stella Levi.

So I send a message to the owner of the Private profile asking for a change to the status. Many of these profile Managers immediately get lost in the vast number of same named people now on Geni and can not figure out what profile I am referring to. They only look at the message that has a Private Profile in the text and a name. They never look down at the very last line that has a click on link to the exact profile I am referring to. The click on link is actually outside of the message itself, lost in empty space.

I request that the click on link to a private profile be put into the actual message, not outside of the message box and lost off the screen below. Or, a statement to look around for a link. Or, look outside the message for some other data. Anything would help managers find the actual profile and do what is asked: Make it Public please.

Thank you for your consideration.


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