I think I found a duplicate related to my family tree, which would allow me to merge my uncomplete tree into an existing more complete tree.
Namely, my Tudor family tree ends with my great-great-grandfather Dujam Tudor:
Dujam Tudor
There are many clues that my Dujam Tudor and the following profile of a Duje (Doimo) Tudor born in 1839 (who links directly to the first Tudor ever in Split, Todor Bumbasic from the 17th century), could really be the same person:
Dujam Tudor
Why do I think that?
In the first place, the year of birth fits perfectly to what Dujam's year of birth could have been.
And in the second place, because Duje's father's name was Nikola, and his oldest brother's name was Marin. In the same way, the son of my Dujam ancestor was called Lovre Nikola, his second son Marin and his daughter Nikolina. In the Adriatic and Venetian cultural world, back then it was customary to name children in honor of their grandfather and their older uncle. Very often the grandfather's name was also used as the second name of the child. So if my hypothesis is true, Dujam seem to have exhausted all these options when naming his children.
It doesn't have to be correct, but the clues are very promising indeed.
What do you think about that?
And do you know how I could propose the merger of Duje and Dujam into one tree?