Started by Wyanita Ann Ferden on Sunday, April 30, 2023

Johanna Bjorgan is my great grandmother and she has been merged to the wrong parents-Jon Gundersen Berg and Gjertrud Olsdtr Olde. Johanna's parents are John Johansen Bjorgum and Ingeborg Halstensdatter Rambloe. Johanna Bjorgan's siblings are Guri Johnsdatter, Ingeborg Johnsdatter, Kirsti Johnsdatter, Ingeborg Johnsdatter, Beret Johnsdatter, Tarald Johnsen Bjorgan and John Johnsen Bjorgan. I was able to delete the parents that someone merged to Johanna and then added her correct parents but I am unable to remove the siblings Anders Jonsen and Marte Jonsdatter Bjore. Please help. It is upsetting that many people have merged my family to their trees by connecting me with Jon Gundersen Berg and Gjertrud Olsdtr Olde. It was my mistake by not adding Johanna's parents when I created my tree many years ago. I have been inactive with Geni for many years.

I did contact the managers of Jon Gundersen Berg and Gjertrud Olsdtr Olde and have not had any response.

Thank you,
Wyanita Ferden

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