Is there a source for the following? Thank you. "Hans Jakob Nusli. He was an Anabaptist Mennonite and left Zell, Zurich ,Switzerland between 1646-49. He was jailed in Zurich for 1 year . He married Anna Mullhaupt. Jacob Nussli was arrested and brought to the City of Zurich in 1644 and was imprisioned in the dungeons of Othenbach, located about 8 miles Southwest of Zurich on the Reuss River. He was stripped of his clothes, dressed on a long grey coat, and then fastened with chains. He was among other Mennonites who about this time were also imprisioned in the horrible dungeons of Othenbach; namely; Conrad Strickler, Jacob Gachnauer, Jacob Baumgarter, Peter Brubach (Brubaker), Hans Huber (Hoover), Felix Landis, (son of Hans Landis who was beheaded in 1614 due to his Mennonite religion), Hans Mylin, Ulrich Milleer of Kiburg, Hans Rudolph Bauman (Bowman), and others, all well-known family names of pioneer settlers in Lancaster County, Pa. they were all chained and stripped of their garments and dressed in long grey coats for mockery and reproach."