Gudrun Tordsdatter pa Giske - (geni) confused????

Started by Laurie Lurline Oldenstål (Lurline Annette Levie) on Sunday, June 4, 2023

I know people add and change things throughout the years on here. But, how strange that Gudrun is not showing up as my 30th Grandma (via my FFF). A year later, she is now only showing as a Distant Cousin via (FMF) 05th Cousin, 28x Removed. - I wish Geni would show more than one lineage (tree-line). As I have many crossovers (m+f side).

This is doing my head in. - If I had not done a Print to PDF, I would have known of the change. I mark the PDF by year saved. And it has been since 2022 when I saved it last. And I was surprised to see that she was no longer my 30th Grandma. I do not understand, how it changed or changes. Or maybe Geni just let you see the shortest lineage, disregarding if they are Great Grandparents. (which in my eyes is more important than a cousin)

* FFF= Farther's Father's Father's etc.

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