Donna (Cable by DNA) Bateman Fry Skellchock - Duckett's Delight 196 acres

Started by Donna (Cable by DNA) Trimmer- Bateman Fry Skellchock on Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Property in Allen's Fresh, Newburg, Maryland. Anyone got any info on this property owned by Rebecca Bateman (b. 1790) ??
Such a mystery! It was sold at auction in 1858 or so for payment of taxes owed. It was a Sheriff's sale. There MUST be a record SOMEWHERE of the original purchase, or the sale transaction to the new owner who bought the land in 1853.Sheriff's office has no record. Courthouse doesn't seem to have a record. MD land records do not show the name Duckett's Delight or Decker's Delight. The land appears nowhere!!

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