Germanna Foundation database for son James P Ford James Pannell Ford says: [S2037665] '''It appears he has been attached to the wrong parents. John Ford's son James was living in 1825 when John wrote his will'''
Wikitree has a husband Daniel Grant for Mary Pannell https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Pannell-243 and no Ford husband.
More work/research is needed.
Hopefully direct descendants can weigh in
Looks like his son John's will. Maybe HE married Elizabeth Myrtle Thornton?
See https://www.ancestry.com/sharing/4203482?mark=7b22746f6b656e223a226...
https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/48239 has some really good info but a few errors as well. Piecing them together still
Reviving the discussion...
Curated profile.
Need to prove parents and also "wife" Elizabeth Pannell Ford
Just now seeing this again today
The DAR Patriot is listed at DAR with just the one wife Alphia Ford and a comment that there were several men of same name.
Germanna Foundation database has him with wife Alphia but no parents and no second wife.
Created: 2018-12-06 12:27:42.18, Updated: 2022-08-23 15:15:52.0, By: 1503727 1) SEE DATACF FOR DISCUSSION OF MULTIPLE MEN OF THIS NAME. 11/2001
Created: 2018-12-06 12:27:42.183, Updated: 2018-12-06 12:27:42.183, By: 2) FAMPCL – NO PROOF OF NAME OF FIRST WIFE OF JOHN JR.
Created: 2018-12-06 12:27:42.187, Updated: 2018-12-06 12:27:42.187, By: 3) FAMPCL – FURTHER DOCUMENTATION NEEDED TO PROVE JOHN FORD WHO MARRIED MARIA
Created: 2018-12-06 12:27:42.19, Updated: 2022-08-23 15:16:11.0, By: 1503727 4) FORD WAS SON OF JOHN JR. SEE DATACF. 12/2018
Germanna info:
Name John Ford
Born Abt 1735
Gender Male
Died Between 10 Feb and 25 Apr 1825 Madison County, Virginia
Family Alphia Petty
1. Absalom Ford, b. 5 Aug 1762, Culpeper County, Virginia
2. Zachariah Ford, b. 11 Jul 1763, Culpeper County, Virginia, d. 5 Apr 1821, Pulaski County, Kentucky (Age 57 years)
3. George Ford, b. Between 1766 and 1784
4. James P. Ford, b. Between 1775 and 1785, d. Bef 26 Sep 1805, Madison County, Virginia (Age ~ 30 years)
5. Benjamin Ford, b. Between 1776 and 1784
Madison County, Virginia 1810 Federal Census, p 354 Ford, John 2 males age 10-15 2 males age 16-25 1 male age 45 and over 1 female age 10-15 1 female age 45 and over 23 slaves
Madison County, Virginia 1820 Federal Census, p 103 John Ford 1 male age 0-9 1 male age 16-25 1 male age 26-44 1 male age 45 and over 1 female age 45 and over 16 slaves
Charles Hughes Hamilin, Virginia Ancestors and Adventurers, Volume 3, (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1975), 26:
Madison County, VA. - Will Book 4, Page 369.
Will of John Ford of Madison County, dated 10 February 28 April 1825.
Land and plantation I now live on to my beloved wife, Rosanna Ford, containing between 300 and 400 acres on the north side of Main road from Thomas B. Wayland's Mill to Pratt's line, for her natural life; also slaves (names 4) - also Winny and her children (4) - also cows, sheep, horses, etc.
To son, James Ford, the same land after the death of my wife providing he conveys the land he now lives on to my son-in-law, Nathaniel Tatum.
To son, William Pannell Ford, the remainder of my land in Madison and Culpeper Counties, providing that he pays the sum of $452.00 to my 3 grandchildren, William Fontaine Tucker - James Monroe Tucker and John Thompson Tucker, as they respectively arrive to the age of 21 years - also slaves to him, my said son.
To my son Benjamin Ford's children -
To my daughter, Nancy Ford of Kentucky - a slave.
To my son, John Ford, $1.00, having already given to him his share of my estate.
To my grandson, John Thompson Tucker, a negro boy named Stephen and a horse, bridle and saddle -
To my grandson, James Monor Tucker, a horse of the value of $60.00 cash.
To Janny Myrtle, daughter of my first wife, born after my marriage with her mother, $1.00.
Executors: Son, James Ford, and son-in-law, Nathaniel Tatum. Witnesses: Wesley Fry - William Bickers - John Massey - Simeon B. Wayland.
Madison County, Virginia Will Book 4: 369-
[Transcribed by Cathi Clore Frost]
I John Ford of the County of Madison and State of Virginia being of
sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will
and testatment as follows.
I recommend my Soul to Almight God , and my body to be buried
at the discretion of my Exors hereafter mentioned.
First It is my wish that all my just debts be paid
I lend to my beloved wife Resanna Ford that part of the tract of land
whereon I now live lying on the North side of the main road leading
from Simeon B. Wayland's mill to Pratt's line, which I suppose will
contain between three and four hundred acres including the dwelling
house during her natural life. Also the following slaves Viz. George,
Joe, Horace and Washington for and during her natural life
I give to my beloved wife Rosanna the following slaves Viz. Winny
and her children Bell, Sarah, Harvin & Thornton and the future increase
of the females, to be given by her to her children or grand children in
any way she may think proper, to them and their increase forever.
Also six milch cows, four horses and a waggon and gear, also twenty
five head of sheep, all my house hold and kitchen furniture and
plantation utensils to her at her own disposal forever.
I give to my son James Ford after the death of my wife all that
part of the tract of land whereon I now live lying on the north side of
the road leading from Simeon B. Wayland's mill to Pratt's line and
with that line to crooked run and down the same to the beginning which
I suppose will contain between three and four hundred acres being
the same land which I have lent to my wife Rosanna during her
natural life to him and his heirs forever. upon the express condi=
=tion that the conveys the land wheron he now lives, to my son in
law Nathaniel Tatum, in fee simple to him and his heirs forever
and if my said son fails to make such conveyance, then my said
son in law Nathaniel Tatum to have the sd tract hereby given to
my son James Ford in lieu of the land which my sd son James Ford
is hereby required to convey to the sd Nathaniel Tatum
I give to my son William Pannel Ford all the remainder of my
lands in Madison & Culpeper Counties Virginia to him and his
heirs forever subject to the payment of four hundred and fifty
two dollars to be paid in equal proportion to my three grand
children, William Fontain Tucker, James Monroe Tucker & John
Thompson Tucker as they respectively arrive to the age of twenty one
years and in case of failure the land to be bound for the payment
thereof. Also the following negroes Tamur, Emily and Dice, and their
future increase to him and his heirs forever also ten sheep.
I give to my son Benjamen Ford's children one dollar, having
already given their Father his proportion of my estate
I give to my daughter Nancy Ford of Kentucky after the death of my
wife a negro man named Joe.
I give to my son Wm Pannel Ford, after the death of my wife a negro
man named Washington
I give to my son James Ford after the death of my wife a negro man
named George
I give to my son in law Nathaniel Tatum, after the death of my wife
a negro man named Horace.
I give to my son John Ford one dollar having already given to him
his proportion of my estate
I give to my grand son John Thompson Tucker a negro boy named
Stephen and a horse bridle and saddle to him and his heirs forever
I give to my grand son James Monroe tucker a horse of the value of
Sixty dollars cash to him and his heirs forver
I give to Jenny Myrtle daughter of my first wife, born after my
marriage with her mother one dollar.
And Lastly I appoing my son James Ford and my son in law Nathan=
=iel Tatum, Exors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof
I hereunto set my hand and seal this 10th day of February 1825.
Signed sealed and pronoucedJohn Ford {L S}
as his last will and testament
in presence of
Wesley Fry
William Bickers
John Massey
Simeon B. Wayland
At a Court held for Madison County the 28th day of April 1825
This Last will and testament of John Ford deceased was produced
into Court and proved by the oaths of Wesley Fry and John Massey witnesses
thereto and ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of James Ford & Nathaniel
Tatum Exors therein named, who made oath thereto and entered into bond
with security according to law, a certificate of probat thereof in due form is
granted them.
Bellfield Cave C
[Appraisal of his estate follows]
Ok--- I think that may be the PROOF for wife "Pannell" but she is listed as maiden name unknown with Ford's children with middle name of Pannell---
John Pannell Ford son in will is John Pannell Ford, of Madison County