debora Kay tumlinson - Curator Help, Please!

Начала Debbie Gambrell сегодня
Сегодня в 11:56 после полудня

I keep trying to clear notifications about this profile. I don't know why I have it. I'm only a 4th cousin, not even a follower. I've repeatedly put her as an inactive manager and the last few times I get this pop-up:

Reassigning management of unclaimed profiles to Mary Helen Simpson (Jernigan)... (This profile cannot be reported again for 7 days)

As far as I know, Mary Helen (Jernigan) Simpson may be deceased. I'm 74 and she's nearly my mother's age. In any case, I don't think she's active on Geni either. So we're getting nowhere with this.

Частный профиль

The notice has been in my notifications since 3/2/2021 - over two years - and I'm unable to clear it out. I can't express how strongly I wish Geni didn't assign such profies to people who have no knowledge of the person and don't want to be responsible for fixing their issues!

Thanks in advance for ANY assistance getting this cleared out of my Data Conflict notifications!

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