Could a curator help me to split a tree please.
Robert Rainford and his family is the starting persons if my tree.
Robert Rainford
This person and his wife is NOT his parents.
Robert Horatio Rainford
Thank you.
Could a curator help me to split a tree please.
Robert Rainford and his family is the starting persons if my tree.
Robert Rainford
This person and his wife is NOT his parents.
Robert Horatio Rainford
Thank you.
I took care of it. I just happened to stumble on your post, but in the future you should make your request here: . It's for requests like yours and monitored by many curators.
Hope this helps!
Dear Carol,
When I look at Robert Rainford 's tree I see Robert Rainford as his father. The tree view looks like this:
Is this incorrect?
I apologize! Too many Robert Rainfords! OK, check Robert Rainford now. Sorry for the confusion. I was also sorting through a group of Robert merges and lost track of which generation I was on.