Rabbi Dr. David Leimdorfer (Leimdörfer (לבית Leimdorfer)) - „Mein erster Lehrer : aus dem Buche meines Gedächtnisses“ von D. Leimdörfer

Started by Martin Nicholas Soudek on Thursday, June 15, 2023
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Has anyone been able to find an electronic copy of this memoir by Rabbi D. Leimdörfer? I am reading the book Židé v Bytči (Jews in Bytča) by Pavel Král (https://www.databazeknih.cz/knihy/zide-v-bytci-107979) and at page 12 there is a reference to the memoirs of the Rabbi, describing life in Hlinik in the second half of the 19th Century. It seems to be a very rare book held in a library in Japan and and the National Library of the Czech Republic. The first three pages of the book are reproduced at pages 120-122 of Král's book, with references to Leopold Popper, the Neuberger family (my ancestors), and members of the Singer and Rosenzwig families.

Best regards,

Dear Martin Nicholas
My name is Gil Wamoscher
Rabbi Dr. David Leimdorfer was my great grandfather.
I have a copy of the book, in not so good condition,
I would be happy to send you a scanned copy
If you send me your email

Thank you so much, Gil! I will send you an inbox message.

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