Abrasha Sutzkever - Sutzkever Family of Dieveniskes, Relationship?

Started by Private User on today
Private User
Today at 9:21 AM

I am a researcher of the town of Dieveniskes (home of my grandparents). In this town there are several Sutzkevers and I am seeking to connect them with the family of Avraham "Abrasha" Sutzkever.

Here is what I know:

1) there is a Kasriel Sutzkever bca 1850 of Smarhon whose son Avraham Hersh bca 1870 in Smarhon married Frumeh Shifra Rogol bca 1873 of Dieveniskes. This is the civil record obtainable from JewishGen All Lithuania Database:

Vilnius 9/5/1899
- SUTZKEVER, Abram Gertz, age 29, son of Kasriel from Smorgon
married ROGEL, Fruma Shifra, age 26, daughter of Leib from Divenishok
Husband from Smorgon; Wife from Divenishok
Vilna 1899 Marriage 184 2205066 / 2 255 LVIA/728/4/49

2) the family of Eliezer Sutzkever bca 1906 in Dieveniskes, brother of Ra-aya, son of Hertzl and Nekhama, married to Yafa, parents of Hertzl and Sima. These are the YadVashem testimonies by Eliezer Sutzkever: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/index.html?language=en&advancedSearc...

3) Lolle (aka Lollik) Sutzkever bca 1890 husband of Kheyne Khasman/Blyakher (both surnames meaning 'blacksmith' are used by the family; grandfather was a blacksmith); Lolle was in the Vilbig and commander of the fire department. He is mentioned in an article by his spouse in the Dieveniskes Yizkor Book: https://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/dieveniskes/die282.html#Page286 and there is a photo of him in the town as well: https://www.geni.com/photo/view?photo_id=6000000195889317821

So here we have evidence of a Sutzkever family from Smarhon (same as Avraham "Abrasha") who marries into a family from Dieveniskes and then several generations of Suktzkevers following that. Although Eliezer (#2) is the son of a Hertzl, it does not seem that his father is the same as Avraham Hersh (#1) because the names of the spouses are different (#1's is Frumeh Shifra, and #2's is Nekhama), unless there were two spouses for the same Hersh.

Please let me know if you have any facts connecting the Dievenikes Sutzkevers and Avraham "Abrasha". Thanks.

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