NOVY DZIAL Juozapas Cicėnas - Question about the children

Started by Richard CHAPPE on Friday, July 7, 2023
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I got information about Jadviga CICENAITE , born on 18/08/1899 , in SUSKENISKE .
Her father was Juozas CICENAS ( Jozef CYCAN ) .
Her mother was Juzapata CICENAITE ( Jozefata CYCAN , born RASTENIS ) .
She married on 16/06/1924 Vitalis RAGINIS , born on 11/09/1901 in ROPISKE .
Could she be daughter of Juozapas CICENAS , born circa 1853 , Andrius CICENAS' son , and Juzefa CICENIENE , born RASTENYTE ?
Her grandmother ( Vitalis' mother ) , was Konstancja born RASTENYTE .
Perhaps also Mister Mamertas KULAKAUSKAS could answer to my questioning ?

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