Capt. William Hilliard Allen - Identity of William K. Allen's father.

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According to a 1993 obituary for Helen Rosario, her great grandfather, father of William Kumukoa Allen, was Captain William Allen, a 19th century whaler. However, there's no further detail.

There were several Captain William Allens in the whaling industry during that time frame (and more William Allens who were not), so more specific and detailed sources are needed to determine which one is the correct one.

So far I've seen no information from the time of William K. Allen's birth -- just the obituary written some 140 years later. During his life, someone did indicate in a census record that his father was from Massachusetts. And it's certainly plausible that father and son would have the same names.

There IS a Capt. William Hilliard Allen born 1826 died 1907, but he was born in Connecticut, not Massachusetts, and had a wife and children in Connecticut. Unless there's more specific documentation linking this particular William Allen to William K. Allen, this record should list no more than what is available from existing records: That William K. Allen's father was named William Allen, and was likely born in Massachusetts. If further information is available from contemporary sources, then those sources should be listed. (Other trees on other sites are not necessarily reliable.)

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