I was watching Ken Burns' documentary about the West last night. He had a segment on Julia Louisa Lovejoy, the Kansas abolitionist. My ears perked up since my gg aunt is Julia Isbell Lovejoy, married to Allen Perry Lovejoy. I was sure they were related.
Well it turns out that Charles Haseltine Lovejoy (father Phineas Lovejoy) is in fact closely related to my gg uncle, Allen Perry Lovejoy, but not directly via the Lovejoy line, at least not on Geni.
I was surprised for two reasons. One, my Lovejoy family are to this day social activists and two, It seemed odd that the Phelps and Lovejoys would be living in the same town and intermarrying but that the two Lovejoy families would not be related. Of course it's possible either that they truly are not related except through marriage or that they ARE related but Geni is missing some information about the Lovejoy family.
Here is the Geni path between Allen Perry Lovejoy and Phineas Lovejoy (father-in-law of the Kansas abolitionist, Julia Louisa Lovejoy).