Lovejoy and Phelps Families - a conundrum

Started by Hatte Rubenstein Blejer on Monday, July 10, 2023
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I was watching Ken Burns' documentary about the West last night. He had a segment on Julia Louisa Lovejoy, the Kansas abolitionist. My ears perked up since my gg aunt is Julia Isbell Lovejoy, married to Allen Perry Lovejoy. I was sure they were related.

Well it turns out that Charles Haseltine Lovejoy (father Phineas Lovejoy) is in fact closely related to my gg uncle, Allen Perry Lovejoy, but not directly via the Lovejoy line, at least not on Geni.

I was surprised for two reasons. One, my Lovejoy family are to this day social activists and two, It seemed odd that the Phelps and Lovejoys would be living in the same town and intermarrying but that the two Lovejoy families would not be related. Of course it's possible either that they truly are not related except through marriage or that they ARE related but Geni is missing some information about the Lovejoy family.

Here is the Geni path between Allen Perry Lovejoy and Phineas Lovejoy (father-in-law of the Kansas abolitionist, Julia Louisa Lovejoy).

Julia Louisa Lovejoy

I'm surprised she was not already on Geni.

Nice work!

All I see so far is roots in NH, Maine, & Andover, MA.

Hatte Rubenstein Blejer - Her lineage screams Andover and other Essex County families.

Once the year 1800 is crossed, I don't tend to add someone. The Mass. VR shuts down at the end of 1849.

If she is on Family Search, sometimes you can find abstracts of the town records. (I'm all for verifying existence.)

I've started hunting down the Hardy grandparents of Julia Louisa Lovejoy

I believe Daniel Hardy was the son of Jonas Hardy, Jr. but it’s unclear to me so far whether his mother was double Hardy Molle (Hardy) Hardy or triple Hardy Mehitable Hardy

From the FAG, her birth date is that of Molle (Hardy) Hardy

Mehitable Hardee should be Daniel’s Mother if he was born 1781 but marriages don’t make sense yet.

Mehitable Hardy Married 1) Eliphalet Hardy, Jr. who died 1812 !! married 2) 1789 Jonas Hardy, Jr. he married 1) Molle (Hardy) Hardy died 1814 !!

Jonas Hardy, Jr. - The Abbott genealogy of the Hardy Family, page 19, has his birth as c.1747 - 48. ( However, page 10 has the parents of Jonas, Sr. incorrect. The Bradford record clearly states "s. Thomas and Deborah (Wallingford)."

How about Jonas, Sr., as the husband of Mehitable?


We have a DAR record:

Daniel Hardy in the North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000. < AncestrySharing > Name Daniel Hardy
Gender Male
Age 86
Birth Date 1782
First Marriage Date 1803
Death Date 1868
Father: Jonas Hardy
Mother: Mehitable
Spouse: Betsey Packard
Child: Laura Hardy

Lexington Alarm! That’s pretty cool.

Then why does the headstone for Molly clearly state "Daniel Hardy her son
erected this Stone."

Fun times!

Search » The Said Daniel Hardy was the child of Jonas Hardy Jrborn on - - 1750 at _______________ died at _______________ on 13 - May - 1833 and his ( 2nd ) wife Mehitable born on - - at _______________ died at _______________ on - - married on - Feb - 1780

Any chance we can find a birth record in NH?

DAR is good but headstones don't usually lie. So I'm going with the headstone.

I agree. Can you add the citation and correction! I’m working on adding the DAR lineage report to profiles.

I will also try again to find the reference here:

Samuel Blanchard Ordway, pg. 306, cites Jonas as the son of Jonas and ?, referencing a typescript at the New England Historic Genealogical Society by William B. Ladd, "Record of the Hardy Family Who Have Lived in East Bradford and Groveland," 1903 and 1931.

From the Abbott work on page 19, both Jonas (1721) and Jonas (son) answered the call to arms in 1775.

There’s quite a legend about Jonas Sr. In the Hardy Book I just found. Page 109

1. MAJOR JONAS HARDY,. born in England about 1720; died 1757; married daughter of an Indian Chief. …

… Major Jonas Hardy was a popular army officer, and his friends, fearing for the safety of his wife and two small sons, arranged to place them in the home of a relative at Bradford, Mass., a Mr. Hardy having the same Christian name as the deceased husband and father, viz., Jonas.
Children, probably born near Andover, Mass.:

1. JONAS, ]R.2, b. 1750; m. 1st, at Bradford, Mass., 5 Aug. 1773, MOLLY HARDY ; m. 2nd, at Brad£ord, Feb., 1780, MEHITABLE HARDY

2. Oliver Hardy ,b. 1753; m. at Weare, N. H., 15 Nov. 1778, Mrs. ESTHER (JOHNSON) WHITTAKER.

Hardy and Hardie, Past and Present.. Authors and Compilers, H. Claude Hardy, Rev. Edwin Noah Hardy. (1935) < PDF > page 125-128.

For sketch of Julia Louisa (Hardy) Lovejoy

As for Jonas & Mehitable, without the actual marriage certificate, we may never know exactly who she was.
I would love to drive to the NH cemeteries, but lack of car precludes that. (I don't have a car that is mine to use all of the time. I use either my husband's or my second daughter's.)

Well, supposedly there was a third Jonas Hardy.

I think leave Mehitable attached to Jonas Jr but without Jonas children attached to her for now.

Here’s the Jonas Sr. Sketch added to profiles. No idea if origins & wife are credible.

Early in the 1200 page PDF - around page 37, I think - there’s a charming account of the first Hardy family Association meeting / reunion. They discovered that their ancestral NH town was 1/3 Hardy’s.

These notes about Julia Louisa’s father may explain a bit about her origins. Her father not only self educated, but got his daughters educated also.

From Hardy and Hardie, Past and Present.. Authors and Compilers, H. Claude Hardy, Rev. Edwin Noah Hardy. (1935). Page 122.

I knew you guys would do a superb job at adding to this tree. I was really surprised that Julia Louisa Lovejoy was not already on Geni.

I'm still wondering if the two Lovejoy families are related.,Steven%20Mitchell%20Ferry,-C. Thank you! Both Charles, son of Phineas, and the Allen Perry Lovejoy branch appear in this genealogy so yes, as I suspected, they are related. In fact, Allen Perry Lovejoy (the first one) is the son of Nathan Phelps Lovejoy :)

So now we have to fix the Lovejoy family so it shows the actual LOVEJOY relationship between Allen Perry Lovejoy branch and the Phineas Charles Haseltine (or Hazelton is what the Genealogy gives).

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