Anne Meriwether (Holmes?) - Name and Connections

Started by Debbie Gambrell on Wednesday, July 19, 2023
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It has been years since I'd looked at these connections on Geni, but the connections seem to have changed since then. I've never seen the mother of Anne (Holmes) Meriwether listed as Anne Beale.

Anyway, the profile notes indicat, as does the Holmes? maiden name, that it's uncertain exactly what her maiden nam was. I'm of the mind that Holmes and Hoomes are just variations of the same surname. However, the Meriweither Society lists her as Holmes:

Notes on her Wiki page state:

Most researchers have her father listed as George Holmes, but no definite proof has been found. Guy Benson wrote on the Meriwether Rootsweb mailing list in 2000, now defunct: "Her father might be George HOOMES instead of HOLMES. Many records say Holmes but there is a land patent issued to a George HOOMES, Jr. on 16 Jun 1727. That is the same day that Nicholas Meriwether was issued a patent for 13,762 acres (increased to 17,952 acres in 1730) which adjoined the Hoomes patent separated by a small strip."

In years past, I had always seen her parents as George Holmes and his wife Ann Reade, who are shown on on Geni with the Hoomes surname:

Ann Hoomes

Dr. George Hoomes

With it all so cold in my memory at this point, I began Googling trying to find some clarification.

Like the Meriwether Society, this site lists her with the maiden name Holmes and doesn't give her parents:

This source from another site also lists her as a Holmes and doesn't show her parents;

Lewises, Meriwethers and Their Kin, Sarah Travers Lewis Anderson, (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1995), 149.

Like Wiki, this lists her father as George Holmes but doesn't name her mother;

Her Find-a-Grave page lists this info from the Meriwether Society:

Anne Holmes Meriwether
19 Dec 1695
King and Queen County, Virginia, USA
11 Mar 1736 (aged 40)
Hanover County, Virginia, USA
Meriwether Burial Ground
Albemarle County, Virginia, USA
69859339 · View Source
Anne (Holmes?) Meriwether
© The Meriwether Society, Inc.

Anne (Holmes?) Meriwether
© The Meriwether Society, Inc.

The wife of David Meriwether was named Anne, but her maiden name is unknown except through family history stating it was Holmes or Hoomes. Very little information has come down through the records regarding her. She was supposedly the daughter of George Holmes of Queen & King County, Virginia. There are multiple references to George and his life, but none reference a daughter named Anne or any Meriwether gandchildren.

None of David and Anne's eight children have any of the Holmes names, either "George" or "Holmes" as a middle name, such as will appear in succeeding generations, when the maiden names of wives are carried forward in the children's names.

I would think if the Meriwether Society has never been able to solve the issue of her parentage, the connections here on Geni and in trees all over the internet, there has been more speculatiion than proof. It seems that at best it's likely her father was Georg Hoomes, based on the tradition having her name as Holmes / Hoomes and the land patent info shared on the Wiki page as a possible clue, but that's not actual proof that George Hoomes was her father. The majority of sites I visited offer no info on her mother's identity even if they list George as her father.

So unless someone has updated information that improves on what the Meriwether Society says on the subject, it seems to me that any parents connected to her on Geni or in any trees is speculation and gives speculative lineage connections to other connections on Geni.

I hate to come to that conclusion, because she's my ancestor and I'd much rather she not be a brick wall, but that seems to be what she truly is, at least based on the info I've been able to find.

Disconnected from parents & locked relationships.

Thanks, Erica.

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