I have a tax document dated 1737 proclaiming Josias as tax exempt. Based on that date minus 65 (the age a person was exempt from paying taxes), we have year of birth for him as 1672. This Josias was not a Captain in any kind of militia. Nor was his son, Josiah, Jr. However, Randolph Fugate, son of Josias Sr, and Randolph's wife, Mary Ann Deelwood, had a son named Josiah. This Josiah was given a land grant by P{resident Andrew Jackson, dated 1833 give or take a year - I'm doing this from memory. This land grant was for acreage in Ralls County, Missour. He, his Smithers wife and many of their children, all moved to Ralls County, Missouri in the 1830's and lived out their lives there. THIS Josiah Fugate was the man called Captain Josiah. I can provide the documents I mentioned and will post them in the Source section on this page.