Thomas Lindsay - Bisohp of Ross

Started by Capt. Joseph Willard Lindsay Haley, III on Thursday, July 27, 2023
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According to the Current Snowden Herald of Lion Court, Thomas was most likely a son of either the 5th or 6th Lord Lindsay of Byres His record of birth was lost at sea. He was the father of Bernard and his brother Robert. They both acquired land in Ireland . Robert stayed, but Bernard returned to Scotland and went south in the court of James VI of Scotland, as he becomes James I of GB. He died there but is burred at the Church of South Leith.

Hello Joseph.
I have had a deeper look at the Loughry Lindsays because I had always thought they were from the line of the Byres Lindsays.
I have gone through the 3 volumes of "Lives of the Lindsay's" by Lord Lindsay and in Vol 2 p297 he states that the Lindsays of Loughry are the only remaining family of the House of Byres. He also points out that arms of the Loughry Lindsays are the same as Lord Lindsay of the Byres which establishes their Byres origin "but the precise affiliation has not as yet been determined".
So it is therefore pretty clear which line Thomas Lindsay Thomas came from. Based on his purported birth year of 1534, that would suggest he was the son of John Lindsay the 5th of Byres and Helen Stewart.
Would you agree with that?


During my research and unraveling my maternal line,I connected to this line via ,'The Lindsay's of America', collection at link below. I'm not well versed in Lindsay's research to be honest. I do seem to be related to three Lindsay lines in Scotland, Ireland and England. My interest is the dead end to my maternal line in Pennsylvania. What books would you recommend I read on the Lindsay's? I'm also interested in the Jamaica Lindsay's as the owned slaves. Research for my brickwall is at 4th link below. Oral family history states; 'The Lindsay's of Cumberland County Pa are most likely descended from James Lindsay. The Lindsay family came with William the Conquer to England. The had Castles in both England and Scotland but gave up the English Lands when they sided with Scotland during wars. The family later migrated to Ireland.'

That was information passed on to my via my maternal 1st cousin. Though the James in question seems to be mulletto. An illegitimate child or was the Surname taken on? I do know on up in the lines the Crawford Lindsay's,direct line to me,are a set of Grandparents. My next steps are learning the history of them,to separate and work on lines more in depth than I have, separating the American Lindsay's. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank-you.

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Reddig-Ransom

Second Link was broken,here is what I documented on Geni to connect to Thomas;

Neil----Gini Has many mistakes in the Lindsay family. Alexander L. of Halton of the Edzell line is NOT Thomas Lindsay's father.. Alexander' was brother to the 9th Earl of Crawford and son of Walter the younger of Edzell, who died in 1513 at the battle of Faloden.He is a grandfather of line for me. I have Both Byres and Edzell, as well as their cadets, Balcarres, and Mount Lindsay's as well in my line.. Both the parents of my emigrant grandfather 11yr.old(brought to the Colony by his uncle Rev. David Lindsay) Robert Lindsay of Leith were Lindsay's, Lt. Col. Bernard Lindsay of Lochhill and his wife Rachel Lindsay daughter of Sir Herome(Jerome) Lord Lyon and Agnes Lindsay Heiress of the Mount.. I am a grandson of Roberts line to Col. Robert Lindsay of the Mount.Plantation in Fairfax Virginia.1742, Which my sister and I saved and is still standing.

I agree that the 5th Lord Lindsay of Byres is most likely I was told by the Current Snowden Herald the story of his birth records being lost as sea. So that is Lyons Court's guess as well.. I have been past Historian and Area Vice Pres.for the American Clan Branch. I am an Arminger of Clan Lindsay Scotland and an FSA.Scot. I liked your work on our subject.
Joseph Lindsay Haley

I connect to Thomas via my GGMx3 Frances Lindesay who lived in Ireland but her daughter came to Australia which is where I was born. My middle name of Lindsay was shared with my father and it came from that link.

I suggest that we relocate Thomas to be the son of John 5th and Helen Stewart. If that is acceptable to everyone then I will do that.

To bring youall up to date on the Clan Lindsay, We were in fact part of William of Normandy's invasion fleet.. But we are of Flemish blood, not Norman. William married the daughter of the Count of Flanders, and my grandfather of line was Gilbert de Ghent, her first cousin. All of his 4 brothers were also part of Williams Army as well as many other Flemming's. They formed the Right Wing on the invasion force at Hastings. The first of the family in Scotland was Walter de Lindessia (today LindsEy). His was Gilbert's third son and living on that holding in Lincolnshire of his father (granted 172 Manors by William for service), that was the old Saxon Kingdom of Lindsey. In 1104 Walter was on the Council of Prince David and signed the earliest document in Scot Records. David's brother Alexander Dies and David becomes David II of Scots., and take his family and friends (like Walter) to Scotland 1124. That is the beginning of the Lindsay's. We have been in Scotland over 900 years, and trace our line to Charlemagne and beyond. Our Chief is the 30th Earl of Crawford, from 1398, and 13th Earl of Balcarres. They are Premier Earls of Scotland. They sit in The House of Lords of GB. .

@Capt Joseph Willard Lindsay Haley,III,

Very interesting! Seems William of Normandy was a Grandparent for me as well as the Cromwell line. I had to at Gilbert De Ghent and shows both 23rd and 27th Uncle,both on my father's side. I was looking at the Profiles and using the error tab and will work on the errors I know I can fix. I'm using these books (links below) to document or correct the Genealogy out of America. If a more authoritative reference guide exists, please advise. If fixed the adjacent line to Thomas and will add the information I find. I fixed William Kimball Lindsay line to Thomas. I'll leave the Parents of Thomas to you gentlemen as I'm getting more acquainted with Lindsay History.

*The Royal Descents of 900 Immigrants to the American Colonies, Quebec, or the United States Who Were Themselves Notable or Left Descendants Notable in ... from Kings or Sovereigns Who Died before

*The Royal Descents of 900...

*Plantagenet Ancestry of Seventeenth-Century Colonists: The Descent from the Later Plantagenet Kings of England, Henry III, Edward I, Edward II, and Edward III, of Emigrants from England and Wales

Another good read talks about the Cromwell line and the Irish lines. Makes me wonder it seems as I am related to them all, if it wasn't some family feud going on?!

To Hell or Barbados: The ethnic cleansing of Ireland

Since Neil disconnecting the parents,I've checked the inconsistency for Thomas profile, a few thousand to go through, which is no small task. This will take time. I don't mind chipping in to fix them too.

This Thomas we've benn discussing should be my 12 grandparents third cousin. So the issue I'll address is the profile below.

Alexander of Lindsay, Halton ,is now my 1st cousin,15 times removed but also my 11 grandmother's husband's third great uncle. I've seen the issue with that and will correct where I can. I'm also addressing my direct Lindsay line and broke through a few brickwalls.

Christiana Munro

I would hope we can stop this of calling Thomas Bishop of Ross. David Lindsay Rector of the Church of South Lieth was Bishop of Ross He was an Edzell Lindsay, while Thomas comes from the Byres line.

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