@Capt Joseph Willard Lindsay Haley,III,
Very interesting! Seems William of Normandy was a Grandparent for me as well as the Cromwell line. I had to at Gilbert De Ghent and shows both 23rd and 27th Uncle,both on my father's side. I was looking at the Profiles and using the error tab and will work on the errors I know I can fix. I'm using these books (links below) to document or correct the Genealogy out of America. If a more authoritative reference guide exists, please advise. If fixed the adjacent line to Thomas and will add the information I find. I fixed William Kimball Lindsay line to Thomas. I'll leave the Parents of Thomas to you gentlemen as I'm getting more acquainted with Lindsay History.
*The Royal Descents of 900 Immigrants to the American Colonies, Quebec, or the United States Who Were Themselves Notable or Left Descendants Notable in ... from Kings or Sovereigns Who Died before https://a.co/d/6hhMVk0
*The Royal Descents of 900... https://www.amazon.com/dp/0806320753?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
*Plantagenet Ancestry of Seventeenth-Century Colonists: The Descent from the Later Plantagenet Kings of England, Henry III, Edward I, Edward II, and Edward III, of Emigrants from England and Wales https://a.co/d/aACi7Bg