Can anyone help me get in touch with Facebook groups or by e-mail with descendants of theKREYENBERG family who were for generations 'Reepschlaeger' (rope makers) in Riga : specificallydescended from Nicolaus August KREYENBERG (1769-1839; who became a Master Rope Maker on20 Feb. 1794) and his wife, Dorothea Sophie nee MORITZ - who died 8 June 1814 in Riga? My son andI visited the Great Cemetery (Grosse Friedhof - Lielie Kapi ) in Riga, on June 10, this year, with theguidance of Dr. Juris Millers, whose book on this cemetery was published just this past May - for the250th anniversary of the Great Cemetery. As shown in the attached - with me on left, and our son,Martin, on right, is the remains of the KREYENBERG memorial, erected after the death of SophieDorothea in 1814. Numerous family members are subsequently listed there (including her husband andchildren). I have a list of all the names (a handwritten one, by my father - who died in 2006). Your helping getting in touch with these distant relatives of mine (KREYENBERG) would be greatly appreciated!Nicolaus August and Sophie Dorothea KREYENBERG were my 4th great-grandparents My e-mail address is (I live in Canada).