Margaret Burgett - Margaret Burget or Robinson

Started by David Todd McDougal on Thursday, August 10, 2023
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There is no source, of which I am aware, to show Duncan McDougal's wife's parentage. Family tradition has it that Duncan's wife was Margaret Robinson. The only marriage source says Margaret Burgett. Bolstering the latter is the fact that Boston Burgett lives in the same household in 1850 at is the correct age to be Marget's father.

So that leaves:
1. Margaret was born Burgett, and family lore is wrong.
2. Margeret was born Burget and married a Robinson. (Not likely as married names of widows/divorcees were usually used in marriage records.)
3. Margaret was born Robinson and married a Burgett.
4. Something else entirely!

Personally, I am leaning toward #3, above. I realise that the profile here on Geni reflects #1, above, but until there is evidence to the contrary, I will leave it.

I am very interested in other views and evidence, but really want to find a factual, source-based resolution.

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